

#26 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

23th of may

1 Recruitment
- Looking for a PHP dev: Ulukyn searches a PHP dev volunteer to work with him on Ark. If you are interested (e), please apply to please.
- We have 2 candidates for C ++ development that are offering help on Ryzom Core.

2 Please wait lag between 00:00 UTC et 00:40 UTC
Fixed lags at 0:40 UTC and 00:00 UTC done it a few days ago. The fix should greatly reduce (almost cancel) these lags. An official announcement will be made if it is confirmed that the fix works (we have not yet had any players back saying it was better.)

3 Ryzom Core
- To see for the next time: with Ryzom Core could we improve the setting of the interface to make it adjustable in size?
- Ryzom Core began working in debugging and improving Ryzom Ring to make it usable again. Is this project still underway?

Q: As far as i know, pocket world will replace Ring?
A: Yes it is always expected. But he must first release ARK to players.

4 Gold spammers
Gold Spammers arrived on Atys since Ryzom is on Steam. The dev team installed a new tool allowing us to be much more responsive to kick them out of the game server.

5 Study: unsubscribed players free to play
A study is underway to see if it would be possible to allow unsubscribed players to continue to play, but with temporary limitations of the free trial (blocking levels and bricks to 125, etc). Characters regain their original level to resubscribe.

6 Ark
Opening Ark to players is almost ready to go into beta mode. It is currently only accessable to Ryzom Forge testers before fully opening to the players. The Ark interface will be improved over the beta.

Última edición por Gaueko (9 años hace) | Razón: Fix on the translation.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#27 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
3oth of may 2016

1 Recruitment:

Looking for a PHP dev: Ulukyn searches a PHP dev volunteer to work with him on Ark. If you are interested, please apply to please.

2 Cross-platform live Ryzom chat translator:

Siela: I have started working on a cross-platform live Ryzom chat translator, using the chatlog... it's only in pre-alpha state, but for those wanting to take a look: or

Última edición por Gaueko (9 años hace) | Razón: Fix the translation.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#28 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | [English] | Français
27th of june 2015

Q Nuts : Is there training tasks for integration/introduction to source coding or the new helpers are let go into the deep aimlessly?
A Tamarea: I don't know but I can find out. On the other hand, it could be part of the project that I will discuss next week.
Nuts: I want more information on it then. Because I can possibly have time for this kind of thing, but I have no desire to engage in the unknown without a guide etc.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#29 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

11th of july 2016

1 Gameplay change to make impossible kings stealing

We are testing a system "locking" the king by the first team pulling him or his guard. The goal is to not allow king stealing anymore.

2 Font fix
Dev group fixed the font issue which was truncating the higher and lower part of the text... as an example '_'. There is more space now.

3  dev group ( RT + RC ) organisation
- Reminder : provide me ( Tamarea ) your e-mail if you want access to Ryzom Core's Slack. You can reach me at , or IG mail or private message on IRC. ( same if you want to join Ryzom Forge's Slack)
Kervala created a new wiki : . At the moment it's just a copy of Ryzom Forge's wiki, we need volunteers to change the logo by RC logo, removing datas deeply related to RF and start to put online Ryzom dev docs.

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (9 años hace)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#30 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
12th of september 2016 

1. v3 clients

Kervala: v3 client is done since a while now. We added some new features recently:

- Nimetu improved the mp3 player, we're now able to use it on all platforms, we don't have a file selector anymore. We just need to create a "music" directory a put our mp3, ogg, etc... files inside. I'll make a readme.txt for v3 full version with comments. But it should be a temporary solution before an ingame file selector is implemented.

- Thanks to SIELA1915 I fixed a little bug: all downloaded files on OS X were flagged as "quarantine" so OS X asked the confirmation to open files downloaded by Ryzom such as a new client just patched.

- Translations were updated recently too (only small fixes).

- Ulukyn detected a problem with generated .bat files for patch under Windows. that are now fixed.

The last changes/tests we did were about Ryzom Installer, a little program to migrate/install Ryzom. Installer is done, I think I fixed last bugs. I'll do new full tests tomorrow or this week from a 2.1 client. If you have question on
Installer, don't hesitate to ask them Ryzom Installer can be downloaded from : There are some 7z files with installer alone. If you put it somewhere and you run it, it'll propose you to download files
and copy them from an existing installation. If you put it in the same directory as Ryzom, it'll ask you to migrate your current client to new structure, that's really the last step before making the v3 client available via the next official patch. All players will finally be able to use a v3 client.

The exedll.bnp from next patch won't contain Ryzom client but installer renamed client_ryzom_rd.exe, it'll download all exedll_*.bnp for each platform (linux, os x, windows) (from the technical side is a "A" not the same as a "a" and you have a lot more possibility to creat more/new commands). Once the patch is done, it'll close the client and launch client_ryzom_rd.exe that'll be the launcher. So the installer is very simple it'll display a wizard wheere you just need to click on Continue. It'll copy data and client in a location where use can write (in C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom\ryzom_live by default)and all user files (logs, client.cfg, screenshots, etc...) in C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\Ryzom\0 (0 is the default profile) that'll allow to have several profiles with different settings, different accounts, etc... But with only one copy of data.

The new client won't require UAC anymore since it can write in its new directory. it's a security improvement :) because it's run as an administrator. To summarize, we needed to create an installer for next patch because : we
need to move files in a writable directory and we need to be aware of new BNP with platform specific clients the same installer will be downloadable from official site (it should take less than 10 MB) and will download data and
right client from SF this installer will be available in Ubuntu Software Center too and don't worry if I only talk about Windows version, but it works in the same way under Linux and OS X, Windows client has just more contraints :s

The replacement of the existing 2.1 client by 3.0 client (the same than the one on Steam), via a patch, is imminent (scheduled for next week if all goes well).

Q: We will have to be reinstalle V3 with this install or we can keep it installed already?
A: everything will be transparent to all players. There will be just one click "continue" / "Continue" after the patch and the client will run as before ; will ask even if you want to uninstall the old client.
Shaliss: it will not crush our file save it? (Or should we copy the adhesive patch somewhere before?)
Kervala: Install will manage itself the Add / Remove Program ; in principle, it will only copy the files; if you have files in it, you can say you want to keep the old version. it's just because the patch system is not currently designed to handle multiple platforms in the BNP.

Q: So it is testable from now?
A: Yes but there still have some bugs. We will do tests as it is anyway critical.

Q: There is an interface to select the user profile (C: \ Users \ <login> \ AppData \ Roaming \ Ryzom \ <N>)?
A: There is an interface to select the user profile (C: \ Users \ <login> \ AppData \ Roaming \ Ryzom \ <N>). then by default, it automatically creates a profile "0", but yes there is an interface; can even select a different client.

Q Kervala: Do you like the font change? The lines of text are more spaced and characters are not trucated.

The other projects (Rites, missions, additions of graphic designs by RF) were waiting for the v3. So everything is going to start again soon!

2. Reversibility of paying mode

The move of Ryzom to Free to Play/Freemium mode has just been announced on the forums:
Ryzom was not a true F2P since a subscriber account could no more access the game after unsubscription and we were criticized about that, especially on Steam.
This change, scheduled for late September if the tests are correct, will give unsubscribed accounts continued access to the game server but with the restrictions of a Free to Play account. 

Tariffs and service offered will remain the same

Tests are underway on Yubo.

3. Opening of ARK to the players

It is planned for October if all goes well.

Q: That means that it will pass in free license or that it's premises for "pocket worlds"?
A: It's premises for "pocket worlds". The tool will be used by the players themselves, as was the Ring. The players scenarios may be open to their guild, to guests or be validated officially, on request, to be open to all.
Riasan: For ARK we used the Old Ring Maps (its look like a copy of the Ring but it isn't) and yes it will work with Poket Worlds. Ulukyn added a new AIS for ARK so if player make some bad stuff we don't crash Atys. We are working every day to fix bugs and add new stuff.

Q: So there will be some way for players to possibly use ARK to make pocket worlds, something similar to the ring? that their guild and allowed people, can play?
A: Sure! But its a bit harder as with the ring.
Someone_: This is amazing!! how soon? ah i see october! i have to go tell everyone i know.
Riasan: If all is going well, soon as Tamarea say (but its not finish, we working every day!)

Q: Since one AI instance will be available, only one guild/equip will be allowed to run its Ark event?
A: As i understand: you can creat your owne PoketWord and invite everyone you want , also you can used everything.
Depyraken: and two guilds/equips can run the event at the same time?
Tamarea: Two teams doing the same pocket word scenario should be separated (same than when we all go in the "same" appartment, we do not see the other ones). But still to be verified. Is what is scheduled but I don't know more for the moment.

Q: So there will have "instances"?
A: The pocket worlds are actually apartments or guild hall (which is actually the same thing).
Instances, then. They may be as much as there are different players. The instance is created once a player access there and destroyed when the last player leaves. A scenario can therefore be run X times by X different people.

Q: We will be able to bring with us on the continent, the things that we get during the event?
A : And you can join a scenario the same way you would enter someone's apartment (except for selection window of the apartment).
Regarding items in pocket worlds each pocket world will be set. With or without DP, with or without pvp, etc ...
Currently there is no parameter on items, but nothing prevents to add one.

Q: In an instance, we can have trees, lakes, mounds, ...? Does the designer of the event decide of that?
A: We used the old Ring Maps so no change on the 3D Land , you can spwan every stuff what we ryzom can spwan.
Ulukyn: There are two types of entities in a powo. The entities managed by the AI (which collisions) and Entities to static (or shapes) that are not linked to the AI. Managed entities will be limited. But no limit for the shapes. And the shapes allow you to put everything you want. On the contrary, they have currently no collisions (but I'm working on it). The shapes are exactly the same as items in apartment.

4. Opening of Silan
It's planned for October too if all goes well.

5. The new race app
Riasan: I build the whole Race App new (build with PHP and Lua). The system is nearly the same than the old one but i try to give more options (like a race have more Parts Triathlon) and the highest priority is to improve the anti cheat. I build also that you can connect ARK with the Race App (give auto rewards, check status of a race etc)

Q: Could a player setup a race? or is it just limited to Event Managers?
A: At the moment I only create it that Event Team can manage Races, I think you ask because PoWos?
Depyraken: I was not thinking about PoWos. But, you've answerd to my question, thanks.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#31 [fr] 

All this is great news! Congratulations and keep up the good work guys, I can't wait :)

one question too, will it be possible in the future for the pocket worlds for players to make new blocks of terrain and new maps instead of being limited to the old ring maps? I might be getting way ahead of things, but I forsee being able to create new lands if players can create new blocks or new maps combined with pocket worlds. .... is it possible?

#32 [fr] 

Naema, I'm asking to Dev team, I'll answer you as soon as possible.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#33 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
2016 october, 10th

We planned to finish 4 big projects in 2 months (client V3, reversibility of free mode, opening of Ark to players, opening of Silan). But we realize that delay is too short and we loose time testing and running several big projects together. This is why we decided to space their implementations for one month, excepted Ark (very big project), that will be done in 2 steps over several months.

1 v3 clients
 - Windows clients migration from 2.1 to 3.0 occured october the 7 and was quite well. Some bugs and unexpected things where rapidely corrected (several patches this week-end) : a sound bug, a bug in crafting, a problem with 32b Windows, an other with Windows XP :
- A Ryzom Installer Manual has just been writen, it will be translated and published soon.
- A first press release on the V3 is published : -la-version-2-1-a-la-version-3-0, don't hesitate to tell us if you find other ones!
- In few days, the Linux clients will move to V3 either, then Mac clients very soon (no dates at the moment, we still have to test).

2 Reversibility of paying mode
- Its implemetation is reported to november for the previous reasons.

3 Opening of Ryzom Arkitect tool (Ark) to players
 - Ulukyn makes good progresses on the edition part. The interface looks like old Ring, with object placement with the mouse.
- There are 4000 usable objects (shapes): all what makes the Ryzom universe (body parts, weapons, armor, buildings, objects ...). These shapes are still not sorted. The idea is to add tags to sort each shape  (ex : tag "object", tag "matis"...). Ryzom Forge will easily be able to make new .shape to expand the .shape objects base.
- Precision : the Ark tool is closed source, all the creations will be free. All that will be published on Ark will be cc-by-SA.
- Addition of some collisions (wall) that will be resizable, activable and unactivable (for example : blocked path if door is closed, free if door is open).
- Ark scene editor will be available for the players in november.
- Scenarios editor is scheduled in january.

Q: Since server code is AGPL, and ARK is globaly part of it, isn't it intended to be also AGPL ?
A: As Ark is made by people under NDA for Winch Gate who is the original editor of Ryzom Core code, he has no requirement to use this licence.

4 Opening of Silan
- It implementation is reported to february for the reasons we talked about in the beginning.

5 Ryzom Forge repository on bitbucket
This repository aims to centralize all RF works, it's at this address


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#34 [en] 

Naema: the problem is not that WG doesn't allow it i think... but that the tools for creating continents 1. need 3DSMax 2. are very buggy on windows, and more or less impossible to make work on linux/mac atm. If somebody fixes the tools, it shouldn't be too hard to do


#35 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
November 18th 2016

1 Patch 3.0.2
It has been done today (2016-11-07). See for more infos.

2 Reversibility of subscriptions
Ulukyn has finished to code it, the tests will start soon.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#36 [fr] 

Thank you Ulukyn for your efforts =) (and to all others who are working of course)


#37 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
21st of november 2016

1 Update clients from v2 to v3
The V3 client is availbable in the App Store:
 There's only the update on the Ubuntu software center left (there's still a bit of work to do for that).

2 Reversibility of the subscriptions
The tests are still being done on Yubo.

3 Hosting our own tools on Ryzom server
(As mentionned above:) A revision of the tools is under study, in order to be free of external tools and the limits of their free versions: we're currently studying and testing their open source substitues, which will be hosted on a Ryzom server.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#38 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
December 5th 2016

1 Documents about datasheets
"I have finished listing all the definition datasheets on our wiki, with one page for each and every single parameter mentionned. This should make it possible to better understand and document each of them. 
 I also described the settings of all the .sitem and some of the .creature. See : eet:start
I did not go further, I reached saturation point after that. The introductory pages remain to be put on our wiki, it is in my todo list, but otherwise one can search in the search bar with one of the terms of the datasheets that one wants to create.
I think that in the end, when the documentation has been written and tested enough, all this can be put directly in the DFN files, to be seen. Thus, there are 700 DFN files waiting for you!

2 Update of clients from V2 to V3
"- The packaging for the Ubuntu Library has changed and it is impossible to use the old system (the admin page is read-only).
- The new packaging system for the Ubuntu repository is using Snapcraft and is still under development.
- This system is using a sandbox system, meaning that one cannot use the system theme, cannot write in the directory we want and all the files needed to launch the installer are included within a disk image. The whole weights 74 MB compressed and more than 400 MB decompressed ... for a 5 MB installer ...
- I sent a message to a developer at Canonical to ask if there is another way to update Ryzom, but I got no answer yet.
- I upgraded the ryzom-isv PPA with the latest versions of Ryzom Installer. The ones who are using Ubuntu or Debian (or any other Debian-based distribution) can use it because I compiled it under Debian Squeeze and everything is static.
- As long as Canonical's guys have not finalized their docs and as long as their system is so limited, it is not good to use it to package Ryzom; there are more disadvantages than advantages. So, as for me, I won't publish any Snapcraft package on the Ubuntu repository.

Q: I don't know if this is the right place, but I have a question related to the code/development part for the project.
We have already discussed the difficulty of gathering the doc in one place (too much work, not enough people), and I am considering a solution, but I need a web developer. It is simply to build a search bot that scans and indexes the various sites of the constellation, and collects everything on a search engine. Maybe it already exists, where there would only need to fill the sites to be indexed from, I don't know. In any case, I know it's doable.
I'm asking now because I know that there are many coders who are following the meeting, so some may know how to do it.
A Zerotacg: actually there are some predefined components to do that, feed elasticsearch from some indexer and make a simple page to make search queries and present the results for example. Not sure what the actual data you want to index is though
Zatalyz : Data is information on the technical wikis of Khaganat, Ryzom, Ryzom Core & Ryzom Forge.
Zerotacg: Actually crawling the sites like google does might be a bit toi much but you kind of admin access and can export a dump of the data, can you?
Zatalyz: No, crawling is better. But we can speak about that in an other channel, I don't want to stop the meeting :)

3 Reversibility of subscriptions
Once implemented, this project will allow the unsubscribed accounts to play with "free to play" rights. There will therefore be two types of accounts: "Free to play" (ie non-subscribers and unsubscribed) and "Premiums" (ie subscribers).
It is important to note that the "free to play" accounts will have rights slightly different from their current rights, but that these will not be diminished. An announcement will be made to detail the changes made.
Final adjustments are in progress following feedback from the testers.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#39 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English

Additions of item groups

By Glorf


Glorf:"It works well, I fixed 2 or3 bugs. I expect a patch from Ulukyn, available translations and a Mac patch from Kervala."


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#40 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
Ryzom Forge meeting report - 2017-09-04

Project: Silan opening

This project aims to allow everyone to return to Silan at any time. The gameplay base is coded, it remains to do the roleplay dressup as well as the tests. Silan will be open just before the arrival of the Ranger Rite.

The project will go into development as soon as the Ranger rite is implemented. The marauding gameplay will be corrected and completed: a totally buggy marauding ritual, a real marauding renown, a TP to Almati, drills and MP of marauding OP, impossibility for a guild marauder in a guild not marauder , impossibility of TP in water, withdrawal of the supernumerary Prime Roots TPs...

Project: Marauder gameplay

The project will go into development as soon as the Ranger rite is implemented. The marauding gameplay will be corrected and completed: fix of totally buggy marauding rite, addition of a real marauding fame, of a TP to Almati, of drills and marauding OP MPs, impossibility for a marauder to guild into a not marauder guild, impossibility of TP in water, removal of the TP

It should be noted that the trykers cities have equipped themselves with anti-marauder guards, following the RP request of the Taliari. In the near future, other anti-marauder guards will survey the matis cities, following the Nobles RP request. The Zorais and the Fyros have not made requests yet, but in case the guards are ready.

Bug fixes

The bug of duplicated items during reboots is fixed.


Ulukyn has been working on collisions, which size can now be reduced at the same time as the one of their related items. It will be used for the creation of the matis nursery (it was not very useful to have a bonsai that you couldn't reach because of a collision of several meters!). It will need the next client patch to be activated.

Editado 6 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (7 años hace)

Last visit martes 11 marzo 04:59:41 UTC

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