

#17 [en] 

Report from the Tryker Delegation

Earlier today Chenli and I met with the Fyros Senators to discuss the Water and Beer Road. The Senators explained that they sent the quantity of materials desired to the Governor already; they request 1000 or more of each harvested material and 200 or more of each looted material that was discussed in the last Assembly. On the topic of water and Beer- The Fyros want as much water as our caravan can deliver and they will give us one part of alcohol for every ten parts of water. There will be another meeting in about 1.5 cycles to check the progress and set a date/time for the deliveries.

Tor Lochi!

-Placio the Frippo

Última edición por Placio (9 años hace)

#18 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English | Deutsch | [Español]
Agenda de la asamblea Taliari del 21h - Quarta, Floris 4, 3rd AC 2587

1 Organización de las asambleas Taliari
- Nombramiento del ponente para la asamblea actual

2 Asuntos externos
- Discurso de los Embajadores
- Ruta de Agua y Cerveza: coordinación con los Fyros

3 Asuntos internos: informes de las asambleas locales y decisiones potenciales
- Preparación de la Ruta de Agua y Cerveza por la parte Tryker
- Revisión de la Constitución Tryker

4 Ronda en el bar ofrecida por la Federación Tryker a los participantes de la Asamblea

[OOC] martes 5 abril 2016 19:00:00 UTC (9 años hace) [/OOC]

#19 [fr] 

Rapport de l'assemblée des Taliari du 12h - Quinteth, Germinally 23, 4e CA 2587

1- Le Taliar suppléant Chenli est volontaire désignée pour établir le rapport de l'assemblée.

2- Affaires extérieures

Matis: Khalaoden, représentant Tryker auprès des Matis, a assisté à la dernière et longue réunion durant laquelle Ser Dukenono a été fait Filira. Lorsque Nair-Kahalaoden a pris la parole il n'y avait déjà plus grand monde et en a profiter pour félicité le karan pour son second fils au nom de la Fédération.
Une invitation a aussi était faite au Karin Manalitch de venir visiter les Lacs en compagnie de sa famille.
Deux sujets de la Cour ont exprimés leur souhait d'être représentant du Royaume chez les Tryker, Nilstilar en tant que représentant et Leeisnecyene en tant qu’interprète, bienvenue a eux !

Kiwalie qui a assistée à l'assemblée Zorai nous fait savoir que l'élection d'un nouvel ambassadeur va avoir lieu, ainsi qu'une restructuration. Nous aurons bientôt plus d'information.

La surveillance d'Atys ne signale aucune activité kitin suspecte ces derniers temps, d'autre part un nouveau projet d'étude est en cours avec Zendae, a suivre...
Les Rangers ont aussi proposé en vue de la Route de l'Eau/Bière une escorte pour le voyage, qui à déjà un pré-accord de notre gouverneur Ailan Mac'Kean.

Rencontre des représentants Tryker, Placio et moi même avec le Sénateur ainsi que des Patriote pour la préparation de la Route de l'Eau/Bière.

3 - Affaires internes

La récolte de matières se déroule bien côté Tryker comme côté Fyros (mise au point des quantités de mp à faire suite a malentendu) et suis son cours.
Deux mektoubiers se sont proposés pour rejoindre le convoi, Silvette et Mohe.
Nous estimons pourvoir organiser la convoi d'ici un cycle environ, il reste encore du travail et Chenli vous en tiendra informer.

La révision de la constitution Tryker est remise à la prochaine assemblée étant donner l'abscence de Placio.

4 - Divers

Azazor a soulever le fait qu'il ne voulais pas voir de sujet Matis dans le convoi et qu'il en parlera au Celiakos à la prochaine réunion.
Nilstilar a répondu que les Matis n'avaient pas l'intention d'intervenir tant que ça ne franchi pas les frontières du Royaume.
Le trajet à travers la Route des Ombres a était évoqué, ainsi que les risques d'embuscades. Pour l'instant aucun trajet n'est encore défini.
Mais comme le dit notre gouverneur:
Si cette route est la meilleure, à nous de faire en sorte de pouvoir la prendre !

Et un petit rappel des valeurs Trykers avant de tous se retrouver au bar pour finir la soirée !

Tryka, Meer, Sella !
Liberté, Egalité, Partage !

Seelagan, Chenli.

#20 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français
A la lecture du compte-rendu de la dernière assemblée des Taliari tenue à Fairhaven, Nilstilar fronce le sourcil :
il est outré.
Reprenant son calme, il mande Lééis Nécyéné, son interprète, afin qu'elle rédige sous sa dictée un courrier de mise au point dans la fruste langue des petites personnes.
Ad représentants be Nair'Assemblée be fédération be Naw Trykoth :

Lordoy ad Toll,

Y ne puis qu'exprimer yem désapprobation concernant ba'écrit "infamant" qu'une petite personne a osé afficher ad seel'ela al ad eolas'ela be toll.

Y tiens à réaffirmer qu'y ai été désigné afin d'être ba voix, bai yeux al bai oreilles b'Ysem Lornair'Karan eim seyem fédération.

Y suis donc eim seyem Lori Lochi en tant que représentant de Stevano Di Zachinii, Lornair'Karan be Royaume bei Matis.

En conséquence, émettre ba'idée qu'Ysem Lornair'Karan pourrait mendier pour son envoyé l’autorisation d'assister ad quoi que ce soit Syln ba insulte faite ad Detem dignité.

Pour finir, al eim be souci d'apaisement, y tiens donc à préciser que lors ba seyem Assemblée,
y ai simplement présenté bai lettres de créance qui font d'y ba ambassadeur accrédité b'Ysem Lornair'Karan ba Tyll ba Jena.

Veuillez accepter ysem salutations al ken ba Mère sey bénisse tolldoy.

• Ba Nair'Nilstilar Thorec •
Ambassadeur b'Yem Lornair'Karan be fédération be Naw Trykoth

Traduit en conscience depuis Ba Nair'Tyll Be Jena,
Tey Annair'Lééis Nécyéné,
Interprète officielle auprès de l'ambassadeur b'Ysem Lornair'Karan be fédération be Naw Trykoth

Lééis s'approche du panneau et afin que nul n'ignore le juste courroux de Ser Nilstilar,
y accroche avec quatre belles épines d'arma la réponse de l'Ambassadeur.

Última edición por Neeis (9 años hace)


En charge des fonctions de vicomtesse d'Avalae
Valyenae di Karan-valyenind e Aiyae di Lumnimae --o§O§o-- Gardienne du Royaume et Bénie de La Mère
Le nec ne nacharaias ilne! --o§OoO§o-- Tu ne me chassera plus jamais!

#21 [en] 

A letter sent to the Matis Ambassador Nilstilar

Ambassador Nilstilar:

Thank you for your interest in the accuracy of federal records. I cannot find the error which is apparently offensive to you and the Kingdom, but the Federation is committed to resolving all issues of record.

I am enclosing the Expedited Record Change Request Application. This modest 62 page form will help you begin the important process of requesting a change to official records. If the application is approved by the Application Review Committee it will be sent to the Record Review Committee and the 10 year period for public comment will begin. During a public comment period the applicant is required to attend yearly reviews of the application and answer all questions posed by the public, if an applicant fails to appear at a hearing the entire process must begin again with a new application. At the end of the 10 year period, a report of all the hearings must be submitted along with a 50,000 dapper processing fee. Processing and posting of changed records may take 5 years and the Record Changes Processing and Posting Committee does not guarantee the accuracy of any changes made to official records.

Thank Jena this expedited process was created specifically for such important diplomatic situations as what you describe. The traditional record change requires a 30 year period for public comment! So you see the favor that has been extended with this expedited process to such important individuals as yourself.

I hope we can discuss more issues in the future. You know there is always space at the Fairhaven bar for you!

Tor Lochi

Placio the Frippo

Enclosure: ERCRA-1

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Placio (9 años hace)

#22 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
A Letter addressed to Taliar Placio

Let me first thank you for your post (which I have just finished reading) : the Expedited Record Change Request Application is, though lacking a tad brevity, a masterpiece in clarity and precision, to the credit of the Federation be Naw Trykoth.

However, I am here to inform you that I will not fill it. You'll think maybe it's the application's processing delays that motivate my decision: it is not. Two elements were decisive:
• the careful reading, assisted this time by all useful dictionaries, of the transcript of the raw record of debates that occured on Germinally 23;
• the propitious reception by the substitute Taliar Chenli, editor of the offending account, of my request regarding another matter.
From the first, I could measure how exaggerated, even insulting, my first reaction was. With the second, I could ascertain that some inaccuracies in the drafting of the report had nothing malicious.

Therefore, Taliar Placio, Ysem Lornair'Karan Stevano Di Zacchini, on behalf of the Matis Kingdom, begs you and the Federation to please accept the apologies that, through my pen, he presents for this pitiful incident of which I am the only guilty

• Ba Nair'Nilstilar Thorec •
Ambassador b'Ysem Lornair'Karan be Federation be Naw Trykoth

Editado 4 veces | Última edición por Nilstilar (9 años hace)


#23 [en] 

*Place finds this document hidden under a pile of empty beer bottles in his apartment and rushes to file it*
Agenda of the Taliari's assembly of 17h - Prima, Pluvia 25, 4th AC 2587

- Placio will post the notes of this meeting at the Embassy.

- Water and Beer Road
The organizers of the caravan reported that the trade went well and thanked all the homins who helped. The Trykers plan to continue the trading as beer is well liked in the Lakes. It was mentioned that some homins attempted to block the route. There were no damages to the mektoubs so the matter was not discussed further.

- Fairhaven Market & Fair
The Governor asked if there was interest in another Fairhaven market. In addition to the market homins suggested the ideas of a crafting contest, drinking contest, or a meditation contest. Chenli has volunteered to help organize this market and any other festivities. The Governor suggested that the market and fair be discussed in local meetings also.

- Speech of the Ambassadors
The Ambassador of the Verdant Heights and a member of the Rangers report that they have nothing to add since the last assembly.

The Governor invited all in attendance to a free round at the bar, then the meeting was closed.

[OOC] 03-05-2016 19:00 UTC [/OOC]

Última edición por Placio (8 años hace)

#24 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English | Deutsch | [Español]
Agenda de la asamblea Taliari del 17h - Prima, Frutor 25, 1st AC 2592

1 Organización de las asambleas Taliari
- Nombramiento del ponente para la asamblea actual
- Posible nombramiento de Taliar o Taliar Delegado

2 Asuntos internos: 
- Preparación de la boda de Locian Wyler y Denen Toen
- Informes de las asambleas locales

3 Asuntos externos
- Discurso de los Embajadores

4 Ronda en el bar ofrecida por la Federación Tryker a los participantes de la Asamblea

[OOC] jueves 2 marzo 2017 20:00:00 UTC (8 años hace) [/OOC]

Última edición por Ghost of Atys (8 años hace)

#25 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English | [Deutsch] | Español
Tagesordnung der Taliari-Versammlung vom 21h - Dua, Folially 14, 1st AC 2593

1 Organisation der Taliari-Versammlungen
- Ernennung eines Berichterstatters für die gegenwärtige Versammlung
- Mögliche Ernennung eines Taliar und Hilfs-Taliar

2 Interne Angelegenheiten
- Berichte der lokalen Versammlungen

3 Ausländische Angelegenheiten
- Ansprachen der Botschafter

4 Eine Runde an der Bar, ausgegeben von der Tryker Föderation für die Teilnehmer der Versammlung

[OOC] viernes 5 mayo 2017 19:00:00 UTC (8 años hace) [/OOC]

#26 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Taliari’s Assembly - FH on 25 Mystia CA1 2593 (2017/05/05)

Under the chairmanship of the Governor Ailan Mac’Kean


Bai Nhori Drakani

La Lune Eternelle

The Free Soul

Traders of Lake Superior

Sword of Shockwave

Cercle du Bois d’Almati
Kiwalie (Rangers’ Ambassador)

Phaedra’s Tears

Nilstilar (matis Ambassador)

The order of the Argo Navis

Les Légions Fyros

Blue Wave
Zhan (Zorai Ambassador by the matis Kingdom)

Without guild
Fleur de Tuber


Vannox, Bai Nhori Drakani superior officer, is appointed as Taliar in place of Eto.

Internal affairs

Locian et Denen Toen wedding

The participants have appreciated the magnificent scenery, which can, unfortunately for some, make you want to get married.
Dancers were much appreciated

Great tour of the bars

Ailan Mac’Kean gives the results: 17 racers.
The victorious ten: 1st Andrinop, 2nd Nizyros, 3th Louzy, 4th Carri, 5th Myeomye, 6th Mcero, 7th Eolinius, 8th Vyna, 9th Osquallo and 10th Lei

Flights on flyners

Kiwalie emphasizes the need to improve the landing.
The governor reminds that Locian Denen has arrived in the slaver’s camp. Participants have been able to free her, but the governor strongly urges the trykers to often remind the slavers the trykers’ values.

Other matters

Naveruss is asking about her gift for Locian and Denen wedding. The governor will inquire.
Nilstilar is asking about another flight on flyner. The governor reminds that flights are under the authority of the botanist Nili O’Toolyn. As flyners grow very slowly, she doesn’t want to schedule flights too often.

External affairs

Matis kingdom

Nilstilar and Salazar talk about the Karan’s project: a plant nursery will be set to create a botanical garden and a vegetal wall around Yrkanis. The matis botanist is looking for the tryker’s help for collecting typical native plants and trying to acclimatise them in the nursery.
Vannox is asking about the payment for these plants.
The governor proposes to let the Academies take care of all this, but Vannox insists on the necessity to inform the Assembly.

Fyros empire

As there is no fyros ambassador, Naveruss candidates. The governor recalls the Ambassador’s appointment is under the authority of each nation. This request must be asked to the Empire.
Naveruss then explains that the last meeting with Messedos Syagus, for the progress of the camp near Dyron, has provoked strong reactions, especially Thesos akenak dismiss.
Chanchey and Salazar wonder if the akenak reaction was a good thing.

Zorai theocraty

No news as there’s no ambassador

Other matters

Jazzy emphasizes marauders invading in FH and the guards’ inefficiency against them.
He explains that the UFA is emptied and can do nothing.
Fleur de Tuber points out that marauders are spending dappers in FH.
The governor agrees that’s it is not tolerable.
Jazzy proposes to ask for Corsair’s help for guard reinforcement and training.
Fleur de Tuber doesn’t agree because of the probable important tax from the Corsairs.
Vannox proposes to use the dappers from the plants to pay the Corsairs.
The governor promises to talk to the guard chief.

End of the Assembly

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Kyriann (8 años hace)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#27 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
After reading the record of the last meeting of the Taliari held in Fairhaven, and anxious to give his Sovereign a faithful account of the said assembly, Nilstilar takes the quill.
Ad Nair'Mac'Kean, Governor, al Nair'Vannox, Taliar, be Federation be Naw Trykoth
Lordoy Governor al Taliar,

Allow me first of all to reiterate, on behalf of nya Karan, my thanks for the favorable reception you have given to the request I issued you during the last meeting of the Taliari.
A careful reading of the minutes of the meeting (excellently summarized by Nair'Kyriann), however, forces me to ask you further. It is indeed in this report that I have (finally, would she say) noticed the remarks of Taliar Nair'Vannox relating to the remuneration hoped by the Federation for the levy, by agents of the Kingdom and upon the next excusion planned by your Botanist, of specimens of the flora of Aeden Aqueous.
I therefore hereby ask you to kindly indicate the amount of the remuneration in question so that nya Karan may be completely and accurately informed by me at the meeting of the Nobles which will be soon held in Yrkanis.
In advance, grytt,

• Ba Nair'Nilstilar Thorec •
Ambassador b'Yem Lornair'Karan be Fédération be Naw Trykoth

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Nilstilar (8 años hace)


#28 Multilingüe 

Jazzy avait donc rassemblé plusieurs éléments...
La situation était stabilisée...
Cybèle attendait son procès pacifiquement en haut de sa cellule.
Il se devait donc d'en informer le gouverneur.
Il pris alors une plume d'izam et redigea ces quelques formules officielles:
au gouverneur Ailan Mac'Kean
Nair Gouverneur,

je vous sollicite pour demander une assemblée tryker exceptionelle au cours de laquelle sera annoncé la capture de la maraudeuse Cybèle Fae, détenu dans les lacs. Nous pourrons y regler les détails de l'organisation de son procès.
Ne souhaitant plus tarder pour cause de securité lacustre, j'attends votre réponse au plus vite.

Tryka Meer Sella...

Jazzy Mac'Plantey

il enroula le parchemin et le glissa sous l'aile d'un izam blanc en lui soufflant: la fédération...


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#29 [fr] 

Jazzy reçut bientôt une réponse de la Fédération :
Nair-Jazzy Mac'Plantey,

En réponse à ta demande, la prochaine assemblée des Taliari de Fairhaven aura lieu le Quarta, Mystia 10, 3e CA 2594 (*).

Tryka, Meer, Sella,

Ailan Mac'Kean,

Gouverneur d'Aeden Aqueus

[HRP] Le martes 22 agosto 2017 19:00:00 UTC (7 años hace) [/HRP]


Ailan Mac'Kean
Gouvernor of Tryker Federation

#30 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
Agenda of the Taliari's assembly of 21h - Quarta, Floris 4, 3rd AC 2594

1 Organisation of the Taliari's assemblies
- Appointment of the clerk for the current assembly
- Possible appointment of a Taliar and Deputy Taliar

2 Internal affairs
- Preparation of Cybèle Fae’s trial

3 External affairs

- Speechs of the Ambassadors

4 Round at the bar offered by the Tryker Federation to the participants at the Assembly

[OOC] martes 22 agosto 2017 19:00:00 UTC (7 años hace) [/OOC]

Última edición por Tamarea (7 años hace)

#31 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English

Taliari’s Assembly - FH on Mystia 8, CA3 2594 (2017/08/22)

Under the chairmanship of the Governor Ailan Mac’Kean

Organisation of the Taliari’s assemblies

Appointment of the clerk for the current assembly

Kyriann Ba’Zephy Rie is appointed

Appointment of Taliar or Deputy Taliar

No need

Internal affairs

Organisation of the Trial of Cybele Fae

Date : Germinally 18, CA1, 2595 11 :00 (September 14th 9 :00 PM CEST)
Charges : Marauding in the guild : Le Clan de la sève noire
Prosecutor : Jazzy Mac’Plantey
Defender : The assembly decides to let Cybele Fae choose her defender
Jury :
Citizen follower of the Kamis : Zurglub
Citizen neutral : Fleur de Tuber
Citizen follower of the Karavan : Kyohei (Not present during the assembly)
The list of the witnesses must be sent to the Governor before the beginning of the trial

Reinforcement of the tryker cities guard

Arrival of the tryker federal guard

Other matters

Recall of the proceeding of a trial in the Tryker Federation.
Recall of the proceeding of the Taliari Assembly.

External affairs

Appointment of a Deputy Ambassador for the Kingdom to take two messages :
The regrets of the Federation regarding the abduction of the Viscountess, with the assurance of the beginning of the research
The official complaint regarding the aggresive doings of the House Ordre Royal against Citizens, at the gates of the cities
Kyriann Ba’Zephy Rie is appointed

Other matters

The assembly was strongly disturbed by outside events :
Abduction of the Avalae Viscountess causing an altercation between Jazzy and Reshok and a protest from Nair-Nilstilar Thorec, matis Ambassador.
Interference from the members of the Légions fyros in the proceed of the assembly

Round at the bar offered by the Tryker federation


Última edición por Kyriann (7 años hace)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille
Last visit miércoles 18 diciembre 09:10:37 UTC

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