Mutual GNU / Linux


#52 [en] 

Karu was right about the problem being the branch I had selected. I was able to get the "compatibilty" branch to build in my new setup and it ran correctly. I then spent some time researching the differences and was able to build from nimetu's fork with the compatibilty changes manually merged.

That combination gives me a nice snappy client without the libwww crap. I reduced the dynamic libraries down to just a few that would seem to be present on any linux system. The size is a bit smaller than Icus's build which seemed to be from the same fork and merge method. I would attribute that to building all the libraries for it from scratch with options that remove extra sections. There are even a few more protocols I could eliminate from libcurl.

After I spend a fair bit of time testing it in game I will post a full shell script to get and build everything.

#53 [en] 

Abekomdf (atys)
That combination gives me a nice snappy client without the libwww crap

There is compatibility-develop branch that tracks develop more closely and has libwww removed.



#54 [en] 

I didn't see anyone mention the following, and I might have missed it, but did you install the 32-bit architecture?

dpkg --add-architecture i386

Just asking


I need me a new tag line on my messages!

#55 [en] 

Had some issues with rystart on manjaro, for some reason (I suspect that I don't have the specific python 3.8 parts installed) the installer script could not populate the game directory with the client & updater (" could not find ... ryzom_client_patcher" )

Downloading  and extracting it in the right location (/home/{username}/.local/share/Ryzom/ryzom_live/) solved this for me. Hope it helps :)

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Aina (2 años hace)

Last visit martes 28 enero 15:52:39 UTC

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