
#25 [en] 

I guess I haven't seen Mabreka's fame tab. I assumed he had 100 fame max just like everyone else. Also in terms of IG fame not many people roleplay or can name the main leaders so I would say some, if not quite a lot of players are more famous than the leaders.

These weapons by the leaders aren't some weapons that have been handed down generation to generation and as proof of this emporer dexton actually had a sword not a burning axe. Besides even if people were able to get the same weapons the leaders still have their unique armour and decorations.

I would be happy with another skin I guess. There are just so many unobtainable skins within the game that the playerbase can't obain its frustrating.



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#26 [en] 

Virg (atys)
These weapons by the leaders aren't some weapons that have been handed down generation to generation and as proof of this emporer dexton actually had a sword not a burning axe.

This is why the specific skin for the sharükos is the Imperial Sword, not the Imperial Axe :) which, of course, has been given to Lykos after Dexton's death, because he is the sharükos now.


#27 [en] 

+1 Virg, then;)

I'd like to see people having those other weapon skins that from the tribes.

#28 [en] 

Where can all these game skins be viewed again? thanks



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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#29 [en] 

It's not only Mabreka's fame, it's his position in a hierarchy. This is even more poignant in a supposedly primitive society as those on Atys are: the rulers are distanced from the population. This is how humans have always worked, and homins on Atys have some very interesting semblance to humans, neh?

You as a simple citizen, no matter how esteemed/ardent/illuminated etc you are, you can't have the same ensigns as the rulers. Unless you are granted such privilege specifically by someone higher up in the hierarchy, for specific deeds done. The difference in concept is that anyone can get high fame, if they put in enough work; but recognition and appointment have to be specific to your person.

I think a set of armor with good boosts and maybe the nation symbol embroided on each piece would be sufficient reward.


#30 [en] 

I would rather not see Mabreka's mace in the hands of anybody who is not Mabreka. Same for the other civ leader weapons. I might have a different opinion about tribal weapon skins but I am unfamiliar with those.

#31 [en] 

Mjollren (atys)
you can't have the same ensigns as the rulers. Unless you are granted such privilege specifically by someone higher up in the hierarchy, for specific deeds done.

Specific deeds done for the nation are rewarded with fame and civilisation points. Therefore when you have enough of these you could be granted the privilege of purchusing the same ensings as the rulers. Maybe a ceremony could be put in place where the leaders/officials reward weapons instead of the faction merchant.

Everyone seems to get really hung up on "stealing" the leaders weapons that they seem to be missing the concept of the idea- which is more rewards and ways of showing off your acomplishments for your nation.

Why try and develop tribal weapons when there is still plenty of content than can (and needs imo) to be added to the current organisations and civs. This sort of thinking is what leads to diversity that severly lacks content.

Mj I agree with adding armour too, but im taking baby steps :P



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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#32 [en] 

What I'm trying is to make a distinction between an open club and a closed-door club. Current fame mechanics allow even level 1 alts to have fame 100 with a certain nation. Literally, *anyone* can have highest fame with a nation in a few days' work. This is an open club.
Virg (atys)
Specific deeds done for the nation are rewarded with fame and civilisation points.

No. Unspecific deeds are awarded with faction points - such as running missions for NPCs, or feeding the transporters. Specific things make you part of a closed club - heroic fighting during an event, etc.

I agree that the rewards for high fame should be more diverse, hence my suggestion of specific armor. I'm ok with the idea of racial weapons too. It's just the proposal to copy the looks of rulers and other people that are in a form leaders, that I'm partially opposed to - it's both lazy and uncreative.

It's bad enough that people get to wield pompous titles like "Defender of the Empire", when all they did was feed the transporters. Maybe it's just me, but if I get a weapon similar to Mabreka's, it better be because I worked my ass off and put in a lot of directed effort; running missions doesn't really fit, imho.

Última edición por Mjollren (1 década hace)


#33 [en] 

I agree that extension to new skins would be great. It's ok to start using skins existing but not yet in use by the actual game. I would hate to see any homin on Atys but the rulers wear the rulers' weaponry - nor armoury for that matter. A game should have unique things. Things we homins can only dream about. It's this and all the arguments brought fourth so far by various people.

I see a consensus here on the original and various side-proposals as long as Virg drops the notion that we must make the rulers' weapons available to other homins.

#34 [en] 

The reason for my choice of design wasn't because I was lazy or uncreative. The reason is that they are the skins that I see that we currently don't have access to. I have no idea what skins the devs have or haven't made. I picked the skins because they have already been made which means making them available to us would be a hell of a lot easier than making up new designs. I know ryzom doesn't currently have any graphics designers employed (or at least didn't a few months back) so I chose items they have already made because I look at my ideas realistically. I could make up 1000s of good ideas that would never see the light of day (or take 6 years to do).

If there are other skins just as readily available then I'm fine with that. I just want whatever has the best chance of getting done quickly. If new skins would be faster/same speed to implement and would make others happier then sure go for it! I'd be up for the "uber" racial armour designs but aren't they also the leaders ensigns?

I was hoping that these new items wouldn't come cheaply. I'm talking about a lot of effort to get the reward just like the PvP items. My pei LA is down to 40hp now and i still don't have enough points for the q250 skirt :P (okay i did buy a lot of cheap stuff and my points weren't working for a lot of the time but you get the idea). I do see missions as carrying out specific tasks for the good of the nation and that is why I tied in the idea of missions giving civ points not just hand-ins.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 16:46:10 UTC

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