#1 Añadido por Ashuleila 1 década hace
Última edición por Ashuleila (1 década hace)
#2 Añadido por Kiwalie 1 década hace
#3 Añadido por Shevek 1 década hace
#4 Añadido por Ovyovy 1 década hace
#5 Añadido por Iluminight 1 década hace
#6 Añadido por Mermaidia 1 década hace
#7 Añadido por Clintya 1 década hace
#8 Añadido por Ouragant 1 década hace
#9 Añadido por Djaimse 1 década hace
#10 Añadido por Lucine 1 década hace
#11 Añadido por Zahra 1 década hace
#12 Añadido por Laofa 1 década hace
Just to be more clear with that topic.My discussion with firstdo, this applies ONLY on Multiple Account Played at SAME TIME by only ONE physical person, for doing things that give more advantage to this person, like creating a full team that can allow you to do a named, or acheiving experience, or harvesting, thats not a normal way to play RYZOM. That would mean a guild with three physical people could handle maybe 20 toons, and maybe attack your OP ? Sorry but it's not a normal way to play Ryzom at all. Here we talk about Abusive Usage Of Multiple Account ------>"ABUSIVE"<------ As always, the support team will study EACH case ONE by ONE, to identify if we can allow or not allow that. Firstdo and his friends, were notified that THEY CAN'T PLAY AS THEY DO, this fact does not concern everyone, but only those who have been contacted by the support team. If they have been contacted by the support team it's because players have filed tickets against them, so they were monitored and reported as an INDIVIDUAL case. We know you have concern about "storage" and we always tolerated players to have many account for storing stuff.Thank you for reading guys. The Rules NEVER CHANGED, but now with a unique shard we will be more serious to make it applied.
Specific case will be treated as such, the way as firstdo use multipleaccount IS A SPECIFIC CASE ! DO NOT BLEND EVERYTHINGS !!! We are talking here about a SPECIFIC CASE OF Multiple Account Usage READ MY POST !
MokoiPlease do not get personally abusive, and keep on topic. It pointless debating CSR actions unless you are fully informed.The rules have not changed, a blatant use of multiple accounts where it can be only concluded that those concerned are using methods to ensure a competitive advantage will obviously get "noticed".Sanctioning such behavior has always been at the discretion of CSR and if there is anyone to blame then blame me for not enforcing "the letter of the law" on the Arispotle server in the past.As always it boils down to common sense and respect for other players.Lets not forget we are now all part of a bigger multi lingual server now and I am sure there will be various issues over the coming months that will require some adaption, this is to be expected.It might be a good time to refresh memories on the rules of the game.
This thread is self evidence on how something can be misinterpreted.You were told that there were no change to the rules, this would have been announcedYou were told that in this incident a report was investigated and a player suspended.You were told that players testing the rule about multiboxing were being tolerated, and reports will be investigated.You were told that any and all judgements were discretionary based on the information the support person has at the time.You were told that warnings are given before any sanctions are given.You were reminded on what the rules actually are and its good to see some of you have revisited them.You were told that in the past some of these rules had been relaxed by some CSR for various reasons ie low game population.I have been told a reexamination of the various policies will take place in the near future and will be announced via the regular channelsLets hope it's not a case of I told you so.This thread has mutated into finger pointing blame fest and will now be closed.
Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Laofa (1 década hace) | Razón: le retour des sources
#13 Añadido por Kralis 1 década hace
I have a dream... Qu'un jour une charte serait écrite et respectée par tous !Comment ça je suis une idéaliste ??!Rêveuse suffirait : D'ici là, que ceux qui doivent en maintenir les règles (tous les jeux en ont) aient le même son de cloche quand il s'agit de les faire appliquer.Tout ça pour dire : +1 Ashu, vas-y, sors les crocs ;)Mais bon, je suis biaisée : même un reroll soigneur de sources, campeurs de rois/nommés ou d'op en cours d'attaque, rezzeur etc, ça me met hors de moi. D'autant plus que dans les 3/4 des cas je mettrai ma main au feu qu'il n'y a pas de double abo.Le 125 promettait des abus comme à chaque fois (on donne la main, on prend le bras !). Dingue comme certains ont cette capacité à s'immiscer dans les failles...
#14 Añadido por Kralis 1 década hace
#15 Añadido por Nomiya 1 década hace
Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Nomiya (1 década hace)
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