
#18 [en] 

+1 Lakelands need more tp options. i like the neutral suggestions.

Other transportations would also be nice.


~~Merchant, Wayfinder, Tracker~~ | G'Morning Atys Music Mix | -

#19 [en] 


I wanted to go completely neutral(hominist/theist), but remained Kami for the tp's

it should be possible to get high lvl PR TP's if (for example) you max all your fames and then a challenging rite.

otherwise there'd indeed be the problem that even low lvl players could start using them.
could also do something like that for the marauders/atheist?..

#20 [en] 

Was exploring aniro today and saw they have a seccond tp system we on ari don't have and it worked for free on my lvl1 tryker char in lakes.

only visited FH so far and there it worked like this:
In town there is a tp npc that when you select him he lets you tp to all towns in the lakes (+miss and mister aniro spot)
So for instance this would work great for neutrals in the lakes letting them tp to avendale so they can run into loria

I checked zora but can't seem to find such an npc there so not sure all civs get one pyr is insane to check and i just don't like yrk enough to look there (i might have overlooked him)

ps. they seem so spoiled on aniro: tp system, permanent FH faire booths it seems, mis and mister atys thingy, saw a maze of plants outside city of FH, their event calender seems well filled, ... (and that's just FH and it's suroundings i explorered)

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Subox (1 década hace)


#21 [en] 

they seem so spoiled on aniro: tp system, permanent FH faire booths it seems, mis and mister atys thingy, saw a maze of plants outside city of FH, their event calender seems well filled, ... (and that's just FH and it's suroundings i explorered)
- "tp system" : I play a tryker on Aniro and wasn't aware of this system ^^. I guess the devs are testing a new system for the new server.
- "permanent FH faire booths it seems" : made by animation team for the "Fairhaven Market" created by players years ago.
- "mis and mister atys thingy" : event made by player, with animation team's support
- "saw a maze of plants outside city of FH" : made by animation team for an event, and they kept it
- "their event calender seems well filled" : true, but it's not because Aniro players are spoiled, I think it depends more on how many volunteers you've got in your animation team, and hom much free time they have to create and play animations.
Each shard got different animation teams and different roleplayers with different ideas, that why things are so... different ^^
Anyway, with the server merge we should all benefit of these ideas.

Última edición por Kalean (1 década hace)


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#22 [en] 

Yes I hope so :), and bring your maze with you wanna try it out (Goaris in it kept kicking my but on my lvl 1 aniro char)


#23 [en] 

Actually the Arispotle community will need some more people doing animations on the new server as well. Both Aniro and Leanon are in CET/CEST timezone. I doubt there will be lots of events for other timezones if no volunteers from those timezones join them.
Last visit martes 11 marzo 05:05:58 UTC

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