
#1 [en] 

Hello everyone.

As most of us know we are unable to trade in our PvP points.

I was wondering if it would be difficult to implement a type of PvP point converter under temp fixes (similar to aura reset).

Then players would be able to convert their PvP points to their respective alignments.

I also think it would spark more PvP activity, having more items to access that have been lost to us for a while.

Thanks very much for reading.

#2 [en] 

+1 annoying having points you cant use

#3 [en] 

+1 for temporary fix

Before we get a final solution we should find out why / in what situation we loose pvp points in battle. Loosing points should never happen according to description. Loosing _faction_ points makes sense if one is acting against faction friends, loosing general pvp points doesn't.

#4 [en] 

good idea!


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