

#1 Citar[en] 

Does Ryzom currently support NPC's joining your Team?
If not, is this support possibly coming in a future release?
If not, is it possible to modify the Game to support this if I am using the
open source code to make my own game?

#2 Reportar | Citar[en] 

No, Ryzom doesn't support real NPC to join teams at the moment.

However, during events important NPC are implemented using modified regular toons by the event team. Those can join teams just like any toon can.

Recently there has been some work on improving the means of controlling NPC used by the event team. NPC alignment to teams/factions/leagues still is far from what a player can do. NPC's friends can still attack them (and get attacked as a result leading to a lot of problems in a mmo context).

If you change the source code you can do anything. It might take some time to change that and make everything else work together with those changes. But if you are planning on making your own game you are looking at a huge task anyway.

#3 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Does Ryzom currently support NPC's joining your Team?
If not, is this support possibly coming in a future release?

As Ulykis mention this isn't currently possible for players and I don't know if it is on the short-term radar. There are tools available for running events (GUS) and there are tools being developed to assist in running events but I'm certain this isn't your end-goal. You're talking more about "hiring" NPCs to dungeon crawl with you, correct?
If not, is it possible to modify the Game to support this if I am using the
open source code to make my own game?

It is possible. All of Ryzom (with the exception of the world and account data) is released to the open source community. Art assets are CC-BY-SA and all of the client, tools, and services are available through AGPLv3. There are a few projects working using Ryzom Core and there's a community dedicated to Ryzom Core. I encourage you to come join #ryzom on irc.freenode.net and chat with us. If you don't have a specific game project in mind you could always work on adding the feature you want to Ryzom Core. The work we do on Ryzom core is merged with the Ryzom game and work they do on the game is merged back. This means as long as your feature doesn't imbalance the game in any way it has a chance of being used in the full game.

If nothing else - if you're truly focused on your own project - we're a great resource of information. A number of us have been working on Ryzom Core since it was released to open source and a few of us pre-date this to early 2000s when just the core NeL internals were released.

I hope we can work together, I hope we can help you out!


#4 Citar[en] 

Hi Guys,
Yes I wanted to implement the ability to hire NPC's into my party and go adventure.
Thank you for the information that gives me an idea as to what I would be getting into
if I wanted to implement a new feature.
Last visit lunes 17 febrero 08:36:16 UTC

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