
#1 [en] 

To the current occupants of the Blackburn Trading Post,

Your outpost is ideally located near the entrance of the Flaming Forest, trade must be doing well for you. Since this property was taken by force from its original occupants, being us, we require retribution. Therefore, we request you to repay us with a portion of the production of this outpost. Failure to do so will result in my men raining down upon you.

Meet us at 3h - Dua, Harvestor 14, 1st AC 2603(JY)* at the mentioned outpost to give us the following cargo:
- 50 tekorn brambles
- 100 stacks of catalysts
- 1,000,000 dappers

I advise you to attend this meeting with the requested goods or we will take our own measures to assure we obtain our fair share.

Xyrala Kythus
Leader of the Coalition of Flames

viernes 16 marzo 2012 18:00:00 UTC (1 década hace)

Content hint: official/low/short

Editado 5 veces | Última edición por Stories of Atys(arispotle) (1 década hace)

#2 [en] 

I, Aesan Be'Lauer, recently sought out members of the Armageddons throughout the Lakes region to no avail. Therefore, I place this notice to inform the Armageddons of my proposition to challenge them to a friendly contest of wit and to detail the outlines of the contest.

1. Each party in the contest shall appoint a member of their own party to partake in a war of words between the competing parties (Armageddons vs. Cynics of Liberty).
2. In turn, each competitor will state to the other a short riddle about Atys, homin history, etc.
3. A point is scored for each correct answer.
4. The first competitor that obtains three correct answers wins.

To accept said challenge, both parties will meet at 23h - Dua, Harvestor 14, 1st AC 2603(JY)* at the Twintops Workshop in Bounty Beaches. If said guild does not arrive at the stated date and time, we will take it as a personal attack on our reputation and will retaliate in an appropriate manner.

Aesan Be'Lauer
Leader of the Cynics of Liberty

* viernes 16 marzo 2012 19:00:00 UTC (1 década hace)

Content hint: official/low/average

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Jaliun (1 década hace)

#3 [en] 

Who are these people? "Original occupants" of the outposts?

Outposts have been going from guild to guild for so long, we've all but forgotten the first guilds to acquire the outposts took them by force from.... yes, from who? A bunch of homins who occupied them - nobody cared to identify them as more than that, everybody was too busy trying to capture the outposts for themselves.

But I do recognise the names "Coalition of Flames" and "Cynics of Liberty". They are allies of the Marauders, and the Marauders described them as local rebels who had joined their cause.

Could it be that these are indeed the original occupants of the outposts, and it was the brutal capture of their outposts by the guilds that turned them to join the Marauders against us?

Clearly, this is a matter that concerns all outpost owners, not just the owners of Blackburn Trading Post. Who know which outpost they will set their sights on next?

#4 [en] 

Jola looks up at the four Armageddons' emissaries, her pen still wet with ink,
    "In accordance with the wishes of our Officer's Council, I have composed these proclamations. You will now each journey to your assigned capital city and post these on the local noticeboard."

The messengers dismissed, Jola sighs and gathers up a fifth copy of each proclamation. She resolutely tacks each to the guild hall noticeboard. She sighs and murmurs to the walls,
    "I pray to Jena that the citizens of the 4 nations take these Marauder threats seriously. I fear these are but opening moves in a long and deadly campaign of terror."

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Jola (1 década hace)

#5 [en] 

Proclamation to Beepe & The Soul

Xyrala Kythus and his upstart band of marauders are nothing more than terrorists. They have no legitimate claim to Blackburn Trade Post which was peacefully ceded to your governance by Monks of Polonius. Although we might not share religious idologies or fight sameside in every dispute, you will remember that Armageddons defended your jungle holdings in the past whenever your claims had merit while your enemy's claims did not.

If you elect NOT to pay this extortion to Coalition of Flames, know that Armageddons will send an army to help defend your holdings We call upon all citizens of the 4 nations who value law over anarchy, as enshrined in the Peace Treaty of 2515, to stand with The Soul against this lawless scourge from the underbelly of Atys!

Jola of the Armageddons

Proclamation to Aasen Be'Lauer & Cynics of Liberty

If you knew more about the inhabitants of lighted lands, you would have recognized an Armageddons' High Officer, Xatokar, in your presence when you precipitously departed Fairhaven. Upon his report, I also immediately sent you a private message to which I received no response. Moreover, you would also know that Armageddons is widely acknowledged as a tribe of vigorous warriors, not ruminating sages. We have not forgotten your recent brutal unprovoked attacks on Avendale, Windemeer and Fairhaven. Rest assured that your newest ploy will gain you no more traction on the outer bark than your earlier failures.

Although your motivations are suspect and your attempts to stack this contest in your favor transparent, you have challenged the honor of Armageddons. We hereby agree to meet your representatives at Twintops Workshop and engage in the contest YOU have designed using the weapons YOU have chosen at the time YOU have specified.

Jola of the Armageddons
74783 < 74766j 74798j

Editado 7 veces | Última edición por Jola (1 década hace)

#6 [en] 

To Xyraka Kythus
Leader of the Coalition of Flames

We recently received Blackburn Trading Post by means of a peaceful negotiation with the previous owner. We have had no quarrel with you, ever. We freely share the production of this outpost with any who ask. I have no memory of you or any of your members asking us for anything. So I can say that you have been denied nothing. If you had asked, we could have talked.

I will meet you at the appointed time and place of your choosing, but, we will not meet your demands. We will not negotiate with terrorists. Not one catalyzer, not one outpost mat, not one dapper, will we pay in tribute. We will not pay ransom for our peace.

Leader, The Soul

#7 [en] 

Duplicitous as they are, there would be no loss in honor to treat them in kind.

They have specified quantity, but no quality to the infamous ransom they try to extort. Why not give them Q50 mats and cats, which are perfectly abundant, and let them be the victim of their own plots.

p.s. no ninja edits to announcements please.


#8 [en] 

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the above events have been rescheduled to Friday, 16 March, 2012. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.


SEM Arispotle

#9 [en] 

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the above events have been rescheduled to Friday, 16 March, 2012. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.


The patch did it. Or Marauders?

Última edición por Pokeraitis(arispotle) (1 década hace)

#10 [en] 

I, Xyrala Kythus, challenge you at the Blackburn Trading Post on 23h - Quarta, Frutor 4, 1st AC 2603(JY)* as you did not consider it necessary to comply to our request; therefore, we will obtain these materials ourselves.

We also call those who see the injustice brought upon us to join us in battle.

Xyrala Kythus
Head of the Coalition of Flames

* sábado 17 marzo 2012 19:00:00 UTC (1 década hace)

Content hint: official/high/long

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Stories of Atys(arispotle) (1 década hace) | Razón: Corrected event date

#11 [en] 

I, Aesan Be'Lauer, challenged the Armageddons to a friendly contest of wit. The Armageddons courageously accepted the challenge and won. Your prize for winning is a new challenge set before you on 15h - Holeth, Frutor 6, 1st AC 2603(JY)* at the Twintops Workshop.

Prepare yourselves now, because what happens next is not a game.

Aesan Be'Lauer
Leader of the Cynics of Liberty

* sábado 17 marzo 2012 21:00:00 UTC (1 década hace)

Content hint: official/high/long

#12 [en] 

I, Beepe, Leader of The Soul, current owners of Blackburn Trading Post, do accept your challenge, Xyrala Kythus. I urge all like minded homins to come and help us defend what is ours from those who would take it by force.

Leader of The Soul

#13 [en] 

Xyrala Kythus, I, Be'rahael Casken, as High Officer of the Marauder Guild known as Black Dawn will assist you at the Blackburn Trading Post. If The Soul did not consider your request necessary to comply, then the OP shall and will be taken from them by force. This outpost was originally owners of Marauders and so it shall return. I am the darkness that shrouds happiness and commits sorrow and also the shoulder that holds the marauder name high upon the new lands. We will show them who's the strongest. The Soul should definitely reconsider such a paramount decision.


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred

#14 [en] 

Casken --

By what history or lore do you claim that Blackburn Trading post was originally held by Marauders? Xryala Kythus had no such evidence, or surely it would have been presented to justify the claim made.

Further, why do you hide behind the forces of these unknown homins? If you think your guild strong enough to take it, why not declare upon the ownership of the outpost as is correctly done by homins since the outposts were founded? Your current actions bring you no honor, nor your guild any fame.

And thus it is clear that all civilized homins must gather to defend themselves against those who would bring civilization itself down around our ears. Let all of us set aside our differences (at least for this deciding moment) and crush these arrogant intruders.

-- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#15 [en] 

Casken --

By what history or lore do you claim that Blackburn Trading post was originally held by Marauders? Xryala Kythus had no such evidence, or surely it would have been presented to justify the claim made.

Originally, the outposts were founded by the governments of the 4 nations as you can read on the outpost history sign on each active outpost. They have later been given up and fell into the hands of marauders.

When the guilds started to acquire outposts (ooc: when the outposts were implemented in the game) they were all in the hands of marauders (i.e. npc troops) and had to be conquered by the guilds.

Thus, the claim of those marauders may not be completely unfounded whether or not Xyrala and his/her (?) guild were the former holders of the place.

greetings, Daomei


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
Last visit sábado 8 junio 08:38:47 UTC

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