
#1 [en] 

We have campfires, so let's take next step in this direction and implement tents, that players can make in the same way like campfires or fials.

You collect the mats, click the button and tent appears on the ground next to you. Since there are racial designs of tents, you would need Lakeland mats for Tryker tent, Forest mats for Matis tent, and so on. Tents woudn't be just a decorations, but spread health regeneration aura around them, once arised, so everyone sitting or staying close to the tent get a boost for HP regen rate. Also tents would give slight regen boosts for energies, associated with races designed them. Like, Zorai tent boosting sap regen. After some time, maybe one hour, tent disappear along with its aura. Also, what about tieing up tentmaking process to the campfire? That would fit for idea of short term camps in the wilderness. You light up a campfire, set up a tent and enjoy some resting, or, on more practical note, use it as healing point for your hunting team.

Última edición por Tumbleweed (1 década hace)

#2 [en] 

I can't see this work, don't misunderstand me i would love to be able to build more.

Ppl already HATE campfires and if they see them somewhere they kill them. I stopped making my daily campfire at the FH stables because all i get is ppl nuking them and even stupid tells about being a care bear because i set up a campfire (I didn't know sitting at a campfire and chatting means you are a care bear but seems some ppl in this great friendly community think that)

Giving us more to make for fun would just give others more to destroy and be proud on


#3 [en] 

Maybe the upcoming patch will implement some of the ideas that a bunch of us discussed about campfires way back when there was a crusade against them. The devs here have been surprisingly receptive to ideas compared to other games, so who knows =)

#4 [en] 

Perhaps all the regions that have cities could be tent-free regions, little reason to hate them then.

#5 [en] 

A more direct approach is to screenshot & ticket anyone using a tent or other player construct to block access to something. Then destroy the offending object. Have multiple players screenshot and ticket before destroying so you can't be accused of creative photoshop work.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#6 [en] 

I like the idea of tents.... that way you can make small camps to rest and hold meetings *wink wink*
you could make it impossible to make in a city or camp...
that way it there won't be a reason to kill it (tents could make city look a bit weird , i actually think that)
so +1 if it can only be made outside city!

#7 [en] 

+1 (as I wish to be an explorer and tents will be vital to me :D)

Just make it impossible to place a tent within N meters from a city/village/tribe.

From the "persistence" POV I suggest that the tents can have a decay and should be refreshed or they will disappear, e.g., after N days of being left unused (this to simulate Mobs to ruin them if left unattended more than decay time). They should also have a "friend list" of ppl which can "refresh" them with the presence (entering them).
(btw, this can be done to campfires also, even without the custom "friend list" so they can decay)

Getting a little far from the proposal, tents may have a little storage also... but this can be a new thread IF tents will be implemented. ;)

#8 [en] 

True, campfires should deteriorate over time but just because the wood will be burned up after a while - keeping it alive would just need any type of wood.

Regarding the decay (trampling) of tents:
If there's a "animals trampling the tent" time limit then it should depend on how close the next herd of animals is (the further away the longer will the tent stay there)
And I'd say that a campfire next to the tent (max 5m away) would prevent animals from getting close to the tent.

@Idea in general:
Yes, tents please (and other trinkets as well)
And there are 5 types of tents 4 racial and one neutral (this small brown one, that's a lot more tent-like than the Matis and Fyros ones)


#9 [en] 

So if I want to farm supernodes, all I would need to do is put up a bunch of tents and fires?

#10 [en] 

@Jarnis: I suggested a (refreshable) decay time just to cope with the hate people have for campfires (and will presumably have for tents). The ratio is: if you use the tent (now and in the future, refreshing it on regular basis or make it refreshed by your (and tent's) friends) the tent will last. If you just disappear for months and no one uses/refreshes the tent, it will disappear by itself (decay): this, from an RP POV, seems like the damages due to animals if a tent is left unattended. ;)

On the other side, one can prefer a tent will last "untill there is a campfire (in the night) to keep animals far"... I'm not so used to this game to tell which way is the best.

#11 [en] 

I think that these tent's would be used wrong if you had things such as a HP regen aura, Next thing there would be people setting up tents at OP wars with permanent regen auras.

#12 [en] 

I'd still like to have tents even if they don't boost anything
but to prevent miss usage the boosts could be made in a way that they only apply when sitting down near the tent and it would only be the usual reg while standing/actions. (won't help during OP fights)

And in addition to the "keep animals away from the tent" thing: it was only meant as a RP excuse for why the tents are not destroyed - it wouldn't really keep them away (so no non-aggro zone)

Última edición por Jarnys (1 década hace)


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