Advertising and fundraising - here we go again

Thanks for your message.

You are not the first to talk about that and you are right.

Some people told us that they were ok to create some design for some Ryzom goodies (tshirt mug...). We said cool, go on, and we never saw anything.

Some people told us that they were ok to do some viral marketing. We said cool, go on, and we never saw anything.

There's lot of people with very good intention, they really want to help Ryzom and it's wonderful. But when it's time to stop talking and to acting, they often find tons of reason to do nothing. We don't blame them at all but in result nothing changed.

a VMC? nice idea, would you take the job? What is your plan? Feel free to share it with everyone here what you want/think to do.
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Last visit miércoles 27 noviembre 14:28:14 UTC

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