A New Beginning

Midnight Saturday 22 September: final ingame countdown and closing of the old shards at midnight.
-- Midnight in what timezone, anyway?

UTC probably.

As for the announcement. Reading through it it seems like it's a suicidal decision for Ryzom. I already see long time subscribers leaving, everyone that remains is in poor spirits... If the community leaves then Ryzom will die. The community is the best part of ryzom. Without the community there will be no more Ryzom.

Stuff like wiping characterss is acceptable only on some F2P private servers, that is including the fact that most of them have rates of x10 up to x 300 or more enabling players to recover their end game character in an instant. IMHO something like this seems unaceptable on a P2P MMO since some all time players invested a ton of money in this game and the team in charge shouldnt simply take it away from them. It's simply morally wrong.

PS: The 2x exp rate for Surscribers is some kind of bad joke...


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Last visit sábado 28 septiembre 10:23:11 UTC

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