
Game mechanics of "evade?"

The game code is somewhat obscure (lots of different cases and modifiers) on that....
- Evade/Miss happens before Dodge/Parry. This can be expected if you compare it to RL fighting but makes little sense in ryzom game mechanics. A missed or evaded attack is a more catastrophic attack failure than dodge or parry and should not prevent the use of after dodge and after parry openings (there should be an after evade opening with double power compared to after dodge/parry).
- Combat level difference is base for evade chance
- Modifiers include at least the short-term debuffs after critical hits. They don't seem to include weapon or armor modifiers.

Anyway, the success chances displayed in client are rough estimates. It's good they are there because they can give hints to improve actions. But they are far from accurate...
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Last visit martes 26 noviembre 16:49:47 UTC

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