
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

I didn't bother to read back thru every post here, as it's mostly the same whining and complaining it's always been.
If you have proof that 3rd party software has been used, then do the proper thing and submit tickets to the CSRs, who btw happen to take this kind of thing seriously after the mass exodus of players 7 months ago over this very same topic.
Suggesting blocking the use of multiple characters from the same IP address should not be done, and for a simple reason. I used to play with my husband. Our toons are both logged in from the same IP address, for a time, we were completely separate players. When I ran IF, I had a husband and wife team who played as well, and there have been more such duos throughout the history of Atys. I even had a parent and child, who's wife logged in from time to time. Stating that we should block multiple toons from one IP prevents this very thing. Would you suggest that a family or couple can't enjoy Ryzom together?
The CSR's clearly stated their position on Third Party Software 7 months ago, and have cracked down on it's use. They followed and harassed several players I know under suspicion of using said software and could prove nothing. Also, CSR's will never attend an OP war, as they are faction vs faction, which the CSR team can have no part of.
This entire argument is moot! It's already been discussed and answered. If you can prove it, ticket the players you see using said software. If you can't prove it, keep your trap shut and accept that you win some and you lose some.
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Last visit sábado 28 septiembre 19:03:11 UTC

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