
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

I do not nor have I ever used 3rd party software to dig.

The fact is yes you do have the coordination, the tactics, and TI has substantial numbers of their own. But you also have several players with their own personal heal pods and 2 players who have extremely large heal pods that can switch between healing, resing and nuking from one moment to the next. These 2 players with their groups of alts are very difficult to put down and keep down and they alone are responsible for the outcomes of each battle they attend.

I feel bad for those of you in TI who are playing properly including those who have alts and control them the right way. You might very well be the biggest, smartest, strongest and best guild in the game. Unfortunately we will never really know that because some of you cheat. Those people do not have enough faith in TI as a guild to win without it.

If, as Gorran suggests, 3rd party software to control alts is allowed, I call for a CSR to confirm this so we can all start doing it.


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Last visit sábado 5 octubre 20:50:33 UTC

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