Hominist Outpost

I suspect Loryen just wants a place that Hominists can call totally their own, rather than being guests of one of the 4 nations.

Me though, I want the same thing out of a different desire... I want a place where the nations can meet on neutral ground. Currently if I want to make the Nobles meet with the Akenak, it either has to happen on our turf, or on their turf (neither is neutral ground), or in a third nation (which begs the question of whether that nation's government is truly impartial) or in the middle of the bloody wilderness.

A hominist outpost would naturally fulfil the role of neutral meeting place, seeing as Hominist means friendly with all nations.
neutral TPs are standard in every Ryzom town

Tell that to the Kamists and neutrals who have to swim all the way to Avendale :P
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Last visit jueves 28 noviembre 04:00:08 UTC

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