
Game-content planification state?

that info about kitin lairs is good to know.

i also think they could be busy working in macosx and gnu/linux client (altought I only use the gnu/linux client and works very well for me, at least for playing, not ring), but some info about game-content planned would be more useful for people who doesn't come to ryzom because it was released as free software (as me) or are tired of the same korean mmorpgs, but come to ryzom because they see the outstanding gameplay it has to offer (noclass system, crafting,atyis itself, etc). To have new players, ryzom must be and *look like* a living project, not just for devs, but players.

I might be wrong, but these are just my impressions because I can't see anywhere saying "next chapter: clanwars, 2011-XX-XX, be prepared!" or even "Next chapter delayed until we reach the stable version for MacOSX and GNU/Linux of the game client"... that's all I ask, and I think would be useful for ryzom and it's community.

kind regards :)
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Last visit martes 18 febrero 18:41:19 UTC

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