What would you like for this year on Ryzom?

I would like the guards in cities to go back the way they used to be. If I am a Marauder I would like to be attacked in cities regardless if I have a weapon equipped or not. It seems silly that just because I am unarmed I am some how magically absolved of my crimes agains other civilizations as well as the Marauder camp welcoming everyone with open arms.

I would also like regions to be "captured" as well. It would make owning an outpost more meaningful and not just for the OP materials and GH access. This feature could be limited and/or ignored with the use of PvP tags for those who don't want to have anything to do with it. Since this is surface, instead of KP, you would have roaming scouting patrols from the Outposts that react to enabled faction tags. If nothing else hopefully this post will give me at least some action.
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Last visit miércoles 18 septiembre 13:19:30 UTC

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