[Fyros] Black detour (2020/12/06)

Nair Kyriann,

It is a good thing that this Fyros alchemist was able to return to the Empire without suffering irreversible damage, although I am curious to know what could have brought him so far from the Burning Desert.

On the other hand, the strenghthening of the Slavers tribe is a matter of concern. No report from our scouts mentions it.

I will mandate Kedgi Ba'Kell, from the guild of Try, to go and assess the situation locally. Have your crya* ready to escort him.

I will post an announcement as soon as possible to inform you of the date and gathering place.

In the meantime, spread the word around.

Ailan Mac'Kean
Governor of the Federation of Naw Trykoth

(*) Crya: Guild
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