Mutual GNU / Linux

Version mismatch.

I appreciate your help. At risk of getting sidetracked, I bet your file manager can't copy all files from three different locations with "Tree" in the name but that do not contain "Flower" with only a few seconds effort on the part of the user.

for i in $(\ls -1 a/*Tree* b/*Tree* c/*Tree* | grep -v Flower)
cp $i other_dir

Back on topic. When you say "xml files" it would be nice to have an exact list of files that need preserving in order to save:

*) Key bindings.
*) Landmarks.
*) Notes made in the in game notebook.
*) Anything else useful I may have forgotten.

I really don't understand why landmarks and notes etc. aren't stored server-side, and preferably key bindings as well.
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Last visit lunes 16 septiembre 19:58:10 UTC

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