FYI, the wikis are adminstrate by players - not by the Team. If I answer using my email, I will give my personnal email (I don't want you to know my IRL name or email, we don't have any email with ryzom.com)...
There is 6 wikis... I just see an account request - but I can't find the user Rikkoaaron.
And he forgot to add a single sentence - we use it to discover the user language (FR, DE, EN, SE or RU - and where we will create the profile, on one of the 5 wikis)...
Therefore I will cancel this request :(
More on how create an wiki account (to read out of the game):
- term of use(rules about why we reject the request or not)
- help about the form
To ask for help : https://chat.ryzom.com/channel/pj-ryzom_wiki
Mon profil sur le wiki Francais
Craftjenn, Ranger