More Storage

Are you one of the biggest crafter who makes equipment for all Atys on a regular basis ? For those who don't want to join a guild, those who don't know how to dig in Prime Roots ?
No, but I would be more inclined to master more Craft skills if I had the storage for more than a couple levels worth of mats between too-short craft binges. The storage issue is part of why I haven't.
Guys stop comparing everything with real life it is absolutely irrelevant in a MMORPG fantasy based .. Even more if we talk about gameplay and QoL (Quality of Life for the one in the back)

So long as some seek to bring some of the bad parts of RL into Ryzom, RL will be quite relevant. If resources are artificially limited for arbitrary reasons (like inability to store them) and takes far more effort than it should to get meager rewards, then Ryzom is close enough to RL that comparisons will be made... and not flattering ones either. Also, a bit of RL is even less avoidable simply because all of the homins on Atys are controlled by humans in the real world. If the humans find Ryzom no longer fun because it has the sort of problems some folks have IRL and thus no longer serves as any sort of escape, then there will be fewer homins running around.

In any event, what ideas do you ahve for storage? Or are you just here to do some gaslighting, as usual? Seriously, I'm curious what sort of solutions you have in mind.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit sábado 28 septiembre 22:53:13 UTC

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