The right to be forgotten / The duty to maintain one's reputation

Hm, aside from the nicely-put "right to be forgotten", what actual benefit would be obtained for the players if the fames were to drop when you don't play enough? I feel like the initial post is lacking a selling point for this idea.

Would the change make the game more .. challenging, more fun? I doubt it. Sure, it would be more "dynamic", but as Gidget said, it's an Excel-kind-of-dynamic, making people keep track of their fame, making sure it doesn't slip, while not providing much in terms of content or entertainment.

Right now, Ryzom caters to the long haul players, those that come and stay for years; they are not required to be highly active, logging in for one hour or for four hours will still yield some sort of linear progress. So, in this sense, such a change would be at best irksome, having to work again and again for stuff you already achieved.(.. continued below ..)


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..
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