Balance Teleporting and Trekking (version A)

I don't think it has any sense to reply to you while you distort what I say again, even before we start.
You do the same to everyone else though, and throw in plenty of disrespect and derision as well, so you really have no right to complain about me doing exactly what you do.

And if you want to know why so many do not wish to engage with the community (especially not these forums), or why so many feel pushed out of the game, look in the mirror. Luminatrix can see it. Dozens of folks who do not feel like wasting their breath on you see it. It's pretty obvious to a lot of people. But I have enough (apparently unreciprocated) respect for you that I feel you do not need me to spell it out for you as though you were a small child, so I will let you figure out on your own what is so obvious to so many.

Is your subscription worth more than the many subscriptions of the tons of folks (often multi-subbers) who treat Ryzom as a game instead of a second job, or are you willing to put your ego aside for the long-term health of Atys? You can impose whatever restrictions you want upon yourself, but when you insult others for not wanting the rules changed so that everyone must play the same as you do, you become a problem. At best, you feed into the sentiment that a unified server is impossible to maintain and that Merge was a mistake. If that is not the message you want to send, then you (and a few other people) really need to dial it back a couple of notches and start respecting those who are not as fanatically hardcore extremist as you are.

* * * * *

@Laoviel - As one who rarely uses multiple TPs within 15 minutes of each other, I would have little problem with a cooldown timer so long as it was not so long that it discouraged low-level toons from going between their training area and the nearest trainer to buy new skills in a reasonably timely manner. Maybe tie the cooldown length to the level of the region? Of course, Ranger paths would need to be exempt from that cooldown as many destinations require multiple hops along the web, so any sort of cooldown would basically make the pathway network unusable. Unlike certain Rangers, I would rather keep that network usable.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit miércoles 12 junio 15:48:12 UTC

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