What would you like for this year on Ryzom?

It is very simple. Modern gamers are nothing like what they were when Ryzom came out. They have done the Everquest thing. They have done the WoW thing. (insert other games here).
Many don't like or are bored of their other games and look for more.

Sadly, gamers are weird (myself included).
We get sick of a game because it does or doesn't have or do this or that. But we look for games and pass up games that aren't "familiar" in feel. Else we try to change a game we kinda like to be more like the game we grew to hate or be bored of....

Makes zero sense, but that is how it is. IF Ryzom is to survive and pull in new players....

FIRST AND FOREMOST, an air of hostility needs to vanish.
Secondly, we need to change aspects of Ryzom to be more modernish but still BE Ryzom.

Get along, life is short. Accept some change because if you don't, the things you hold onto and love will vanish right before your eyes and all you did was watch or help it go.

We have the community that many other games do not have. A note to old timers like myself, accept change accept new people and their ideas. A note to new people, accept that this is NOT your old game. Give ideas that will make this game not only fun, but stand out from the rest and STILL be Ryzom.


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Last visit domingo 9 junio 02:05:15 UTC

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