Long distance /target

Unless I'm missing something:
Macro's have a 250m range, although /tar has a shorter range (or at least it used to?).

We already have /who (tells you who is in region) /tar from chat and /target in a macro. You can also add to team and look at the map to find out where someone is (if they want to be found!) or even send them a tell "Dude, where are you?!?"

So, what exactly does /find add to the game that isn't already there?

I think it would be better to use devs time for something that actually delivers an improvement, rather than satisfy someone's desire to be nosey.


Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)
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Last visit viernes 7 junio 09:47:23 UTC

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