Gameplay de recrutement des gardes régionaux

The idea is not to primilary add PvP content in the game. The idea is to ship the security of the lands to players.

"You would lose most people."
It's exactly because of this mentality that the game is stuck in a status-quo and don't move.

" would totally change the nature of the game! "
Maybe collecting mats to fight the goo/build tower defense in Thesos is also against the nature of the game then.

You are talking about "dappers" and "short-cycle" as blockers and then it's 'NO'. My opinion is: you red PvP and then you close the discussion.

And maybe instead of opening the zones to PvP, we can think about something based on the same models than patrols in PR, I don't know. Or you can also imagine that, instead of the nation, it's the OP owner which is responsible for the zone etc etc there is many interesting possibilities that can be discussed on this topic.
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Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 22:22:10 UTC

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