Suggestion about skill points

It's disappointing having some 30,000 skill points to spend and not having the opportunity to "go shopping" for something new every now and then. I'd like to see some expansion of skill points that resulted in just minor tweaks. Promoting mainly the idea of having something to spend points on when you complete a tree ... not so much the specific examples below when you complete say:

A tree being defined as:

Crafting Armor
Crafting Jools
Crafting Melee
Crafting Ranged

Some of these have been suggested before just not in relation to tree completion.


A. Finish all Harvest and get another Focus credit. It tops out at 270 and IIRC correctly 276 would allow Gentle Rate and Gentle Speed.

B. Finish all Harvest and get Knowledge 4. It would display the number of mats in a node allowing us to skip the short nodes and target the ones w/ more mats.


A. Armor - Upon finishing a full tree (MA. LA, HA, Shields / Bucklers), all the addition of a sigil to the Vest / Shield. These could be "sold " like tatoos or hairdos with one option being the guild symbol.

B. Armor and Jools - Complete all trees and gain the opportunity to make a "set" whereby when ya drag from bag to room, packer whatever, you drag one and the whole set goes with it ... or most importantly, to take the whole set outta GH.

C. Weapons Sockets - Again, the intent here is not to unbalance combat but to provide something new. One frustrating aspect is when "pulling" a mob or better said "just one mob" is inching up, hitting taunt, inch up a lil more ... rinse and repeat. The game know when you are in taunt range or a mob is in aggro range. Why not have the weapon (or our picks) start to glow when in taunt range or when a mob has "locked on" to us. The sockets could be made only on new unused weaps. and as a

D. Jools - Completing the Jools tree would allow the creation of crystals for socketed items.

** For sockets and crystals, cupla notes:

a) Not suggesting being able to see the socket or the crystal ... no more than we see jools or enchant crystals.

b) Since this would only allow access for folks with "masters", a "buy option at an NPC could provide similar functionality at lower levels.

Magic / Melee:
Magic and Melee are a bit different in that adjustments here can cause unintended consequences and create imbalances which, in battles, would favor those who have just been here longer.

Don't really have and fleshed out ideas a syet but like we have "mat spec" for harvesting a set of bricks that added say xx% damage to or eliminate yy% weapon damage from each mob type would be a great way to spend 610 / 1220 points (Arana, Arma, Bawaab ... etc).


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Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 06:34:00 UTC

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