
A lengthy consideration on Ryzom's status as a PVPer

The more I read the better understanding I obtain.

I see as part of the problem here that this was a non-pvp game for what 7 years before pvp was added in.

That's seven years ahead of any new pvper that came in after it was introduced. That's recipes and helicopter dance and knowledge (seven years worth) ahead of any pvper that came in after pvp was introduced.

Now myself I am a straight forward person. I will tell you what I think. I will stand and fight you. I will take my lumps.

But the non-pvpers use different weapons. They don't stand and face someone. They have a different style.

So it's not really PvP vs PvE it's Pvp vs Diggers. ( no offense intended )

So I disagree with Haniel's list on that ground. PvPers are more liable to loot mats than dig mats. Though I know PvPers who are good at recipes and digging.

What I feel like is wrong is if PvP is not wanted and considered not needed here then why offer it on the website. Why take our money and then try to drive us out of the game? Just take it off the website. Make it not part of the game. Then all the little diggers can be happy again.

Otherwise we need to learn to get along. It's not fair to offer PvP on the website, take our money and then make it virtually an unplayable option.


The Clan

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Last visit jueves 28 noviembre 02:29:02 UTC

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