[Ryzom Forge] Meeting (21th of september)

3 Level Design Group

PtitBill: On hold, I've got a matis rite 50, a 50 zoraï, a 100 tryker, Wiedii has prepared a 50 fyros. Zendae, Bastien and Deed are waiting on the new missions and occupations.I'm sill trying to find Canif and KaizeFX.I'm still looking for writers to propose new missions ideas. If you've got proposals to give to us, I'm listening to you.If you like and want to do some sorting in the propositions forum, we should be able to find lots of good ideas there.

Gaueko: I have tones of ideas for missions related with Marauders Ptitbill, but first I have to finish the Lore.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
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