
Confusion, Fear and Greed

Hello everyone, I would like to start off by saying that I am not really sure why I am writing this other than that I saw was something quite interesting and yet at the sometime extremely puzzling to me.  

Two days ago, the Dog's of War had declared on Wulfspack at which time one of their guild members complained to a completely separate guild leader for reasons unknown to myself since that guild did not actually declare but did eventually help with the attack. This same individual whined and cried that it was unfair to declare war at 02:00 Germany time and that when they were unable to defend and then threaten to send tickets to CSR's if we did not defend Phase#2 because that phase was from 01:00 thru 04:00. The individual also threaten to send tickets to the CSR's because we declared on 2 OP's at the sometime which he said was not fair because we could only attack 1 at a time and yet we were able to push both to phase#2. (Side note, we lost both OP's in Phase#2 but that is life and we had fun.) Also, this same individual threaten to send tickets if we declare again 48 hrs after the required cool-down period because he feels that we are just picking on them poor Wulfs. If a guild wants to spend money declaring war every 48 hrs as is allowed by the game mechanics and is willing to lose the money, why whine about it, play the game as is or go and play solitaire.

First, I thought that this was a global game where we are suppose to be a true "One Community" and not a community that revolves around France and Germany because in real life as i have been taught, war is not arranged by 2 countries to kill each-other so that they are on the same time zone and convenient for all. In life there is a strategy to everything that is done, either through peaceful negotiations or by force that is how the world works.

Second and this is where the "quite interesting and yet at the sometime extremely puzzling" comment comes into play. The 2 OP's are Q50 which as i understand it are really for F2P and Newbies (as well as Q100/Q150) but mostly F2P and yet when it can to the defense stage from the Kami-side, there were 15 Masters all wearing PvP Armor/ NPC Armor, wearing PvP jewels and using boosted weapons against 7 toons (4 of which are masters and 3 f2p) wearing what i guess could be describe as "street-clothes" and just having fun. Not a single person from the Wulfspack was online because someone logged Alex using his account details, had him sit in the corner afk and could not even bother to defend the very OP that they threaten to ticket Us for declaring on. There is no logical reason for what amounts to almost 2 full teams of masters; armed to the teeth to defend 2 OP's that they do not even use the mats nor require in any of their guilds other then the simple fact that what I have been hearing is true, the Kami faction is greedy and are afraid of losing the limited control they currently hold. That fear and greed will be their undoing if that faction continues down the current path. 

Finally, I will leave with this last thought, if you do not want people to see your dirty laundry, do not leave it on the clothes hanger 

Thank you, Soyeok :-) Happy Dog and Ranger-in-Training

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