Dossier: Marung Horongi

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Here are some more excerpts about Nung Horongi from our archives.
3rd AC 2549
Then there was Nung, who was incarcerated by us. We have appointed Biggy to investigate. Because there was the suspicion that Nung Horongi was somehow responsible for the murder on our old governor Still Wyler. Biggy really worked flat out even if the investigations were not easy. It took nearly the whole cycle until some information was gathered. But the actual trial was not until later.
4th AC 2549
Nung kept us busy in the next cycle as well... to begin with Biggy, on the mandate of the Taliari Council, was allowed to question Captain Ulyros, who back then was in charge of the investigations after the murder of Still Wyler. The actual act was committed by a Matis woman named Marder, but when she was caught she shot herself in the head with her damned Goo-ammunition. I myself was present when she was apprehended back then.
After some pumping for information Nung finally spoke. He must have lived a long time with the Black Circle and developed this Goo-ammunition there. So, without him this ammunition wouldn't exist! And to the question, why Still Wyler, he said that he was the logical target, because he is a symbol for peace and he ties the rulers together. Dexton and Yrkanis wouldn't have been logical, because they were supposed to go at war at each other later. And Mabreka probably would have become a martyr. Nung said the chief of the Black Circle and Muang were in disagreement, but Nung tipped the scales. Thus he is definitely partly guilty!

There is still more, but the translation of these records into the dialect of Min-Cho is time consuming, so you will hear from me again later.

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