
petites pensées sur le jeu

I hear and see a lot of things to improve the game. I appreciate it that the community is searching for ways to make durable this game which I love, be them PvP-er or said “hard RP-er” or just fellows like me who succumbed to the charm or Ryzom.

A talk yesterday on the French Universe caught my attention.
How to attract more people, make again multi-250 want to come back, etc…
Increasing the levels to 300 has been proposed among other things, but I’m wondering what it would be really worth to have people pexing till 300… (why not 500 or 1000?)

How I look at things:
-we’ve got infinite cats to level quicker… if having things to do for longer was what was wanting, this way of rushing everything shouldn’t have been given…
-we’ve got helps for the game which make there’s no need to search anymore. Everything is given or almost everything. Be whether it be the craft recipes, or the foraging spots, or even tips and tricks at the limit of, or even behind, the exploit.

So I’m really wondering, at the point where we are, if the aim wouldn’t be to draw quickly the whole community upwards and then to have them let fly.

Ryzom has become a simple pex area, quick and easy.

We are proposed to change our activities to throw ourselves in the game.
2 big problems:
- we don’t all have the knowledge to work on the code and/or manipulate computer tools..
-there’s still to work on the lore and what is around… which is fine by itself but when I’ve asked what it really meant, it was more or less looking for information on Ballistic (wonderful site and huge work by the way) and copying them somewhere else. Much as I see the huge task it is and don’t deprecate at all the ones who are doing it, I’m wondering if all this willingness wouldn’t be better used another way, since for me, the problem, more than helping people to find everything the most easiest way, remains a problem of new content in the game.

Yes, I know, any talk without a solution is just hot air and fruitless, I admit I don’t have the magic remedy… but all this let me really wistful. I’m criticising no one and any try with its blunders and hidden defects remains, in my opinion, better than inertia… But when a ‘progress’ is realised to be inappropriate, why hesitate to a sane rollback?
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Last visit viernes 7 marzo 02:56:15 UTC

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