Look! What's that over there!

One of the reason lower level OP's were fought over was that useful stuff could be made of the "tool mats". I.e., q50 rubbarn would make a useful rubbarn tool. Ditto for armilo. (There are some people who even find greslin picks useful, though I am in agreement with Tumbleweed that it's the least useful of all mats.)

Then came the merge and q50 armilo could only make a q50 tool. Wow... who makes q50 boosted sets (or even q90)? By the time you finished making one you would have leveled enough to make a q100 (and a q100 boosted set will be outgrown in a few days).

Note that this means that someone tweaked the existing code for tools as of 2012. That implies that at least that portion of the code isn't so complex.

So, since the devs seem to be resistant to the idea of returning to the one-level model of tools (based on comments in Oct/Nov 2012), I propose a way to make the lower level mats more interesting:

Option 1: Make it possible to make a tool out of lower level materials than the tool level, but with a chance of failure based on the difference between the two. (e.g. 15% chance for q50 => q250, 85% chance q200=>q250.) Failure would mean loss of the lower level material (this IS Ryzom... have a cookie).

Option 2: Allow stacking of lower level materials to make a higher level tool with a slight penalty. (e.g. 6 q50 rubbarn => q250 rubbarn tool, 3 q100 => q250, 2 q150, etc.)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>
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