Improvement for multilingual posts: Let others translate your posts / Verbes ...

Thanks Bittty, yes, it is confusing.

I suppose I am asking for an automatic translation into the language each player designates as his main language if that is possible. Using the mechanical translator (triad?) would at least give us a chance to understand it. it would be nice if an option is allowed for the poster to let others re-translate it into a more accurate translation too, which I know is there now, but it would be nice in addition to the auto-translate idea. This is posted under 'Ideas for Ryzom,' so I hope they can figure out a way to do it.

I'm not sure how it would be implemented, but it would be better than nothing.

See, I'm not even sure how to let my posts be translated into various languages, I'm not that savvy and I'm sure many in Ryzom aren't either which might be why many posts are not understandable by those that don't understand the language somebody posts in when it is not their native tongue.

I know you understand what I'm saying, but I hope others will add to the discussion and contribute their thoughts.

My simple thought is: to make an 'Auto-Translate' by machine (triad) or whatever, on every topic based on the language a person picks as their main tongue.
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Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 06:32:35 UTC

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