
Peut-on interdire par le roleplay le gameplay d'un joueur ?

sounds to me like they were hoping that niz would just quit playing ryzom after this RP, after all that's what they expect from what i'm reading now.

Nothing say "Nizyros must stop playing, because homin must kill his toon". Question his about sacrifice who people accept to play, and the necessity of agreement, and find a good reason roleplay to explain choice. If player of Nizyros says "I want a beautiful end for my toon", other players create event for that. but here, event his for explain (with rp and not only gameply) why Nizyros quit marauder and return in lake. Player of Nizyros made the elegant choice to stay "prisonner" and have a lawsuit, and, in according with his rp choice, stay during 10 evening in a "prison" (tower of fairhaven). Discussion is about this gameplay constraint. Most roleplayer says that the importance is "agree, with people, with lore, with personnal history" and "don't force people to a roleplay (and so, a gameplay)". Not all, but almost all.
it's high time that the hardcore RP community stop trying to tell everyone how to play, tell yourself how to play, and leave everyone else alone, time to go back to grade school and "do unto others as you would have done unto you".

Sorry to discuss. But, if you have less trust in your translator, you see that rolist don't say "that is the rule, unbelievers will be punished". It's only a exchange about choice. Maybe one or two hardcore rolist in the discussion, other are sweet and pacific rolists.
get over the damn RP, if all you want is RP, go play D&D, there's way more to ryzom then just RP.
Sorry, I prefer ryzom for rp : better universe, more people, more interaction. We don't say to you how play, so please, don't say how we must play.

It's just a game. And game is better when all people know the same rule. By nature, rules of rp is continually moving. So, discussion between rolist is important to play together.

[FR] Désolé pour le blabla en anglais, ça n'ajoute rien à la discussion, mais j'en ai marre de lire des réactions à des propos déformées par les traducteurs automatiques, donc j'inflige mon anglais de primaire, na !


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