Perla the Aspiring Ranger - (A sort of IC-Blog/Personal Chronicle)

[OOC Note: Today’s post was hard to research and it took me some time to gather the information and study it. I've spoken to some players about Elias Tryton, surprisingly few knew who he was, and the ones that did knew very little about the mysterious homin. Researching the old forums also confirm what I was told, that Elias was part of an event that few people witnessed. But, most importantly that the RP faction, Trytonist, is not yet fully developed in game. For this reason I wanted my research to be as accurate as possible, and I have collected and summarized the information in the entry as best I could. However, Perla’s opinion of Elias is based on her understanding and interpretation of the research, and her imagination of how events unfolded during exodus, which may very well be different from other homins.]

~Perla’s Journal Entry: Tria, Pluvia 21, 4th AC 2579~

The nightmares have continued. The Rangers are always in my dreams in some form or another, and the outcome of my parents is always the same - I am separated from them in the chaos. In my dreams the Rangers helped people get to the safe zone, but the Oasis was too small to hold everyone, and as the moments pass more and more homins filled the sacred place. That’s when the mysterious figure, Elias, arrived and opened the Rainbow, the Rainbow that took us to the The Place With No Name.

But they aren't just dreams, I've realized. I know now that the dreams really happened. I had forgotten, but now I remember...

~Perla’s Exodus 2562 (Part 2): The Place With No Name~

The call for reinforcements had gone out and it was Elias Tryton who finally showed up to assist. A crowd had gathered around the Rainbow. People were stepping through and disappearing. Rangers handled crowd control, and thankfully, everyone followed orders without trouble.

I patted the side of the rainbow-portal, I was curious, and it forcibly pulled me forward but I half stumbled back. I didn't want to go through yet, not without my parents. I regained my footing, and paused and looked for my parent in the surroundings. There was enough noise from the crowd, and general shouting of orders and people calling for their loved ones that I decided against adding to the noise by calling out for my parents. Instead, I methodically scan every Tryker face that walked through the rainbow.

“Hey!” a boy no older than me called out to me, but I didn't respond.

He moved into my line of vision, I was surprised to see tears in his eyes, he looked anything but alright.

“Have you seen my Mom?” Pyto asked me.

“No,” I admitted.

He turned around and I watched him wandering in circles, as he too searched for his parents, looking increasingly confused. I stepped forward decisively, grabbed the boy’s right wrist, and walked him back to where I was standing.

“We can watch for our parents from here, when they reach the rainbow they will see us.” I said as I walked him over. The moment I said it, he became remarkably placid, and grabbed my hand tightly.

He stayed quiet as I continued to lookout for my parents, our parents, though I had no idea what his parents looked like, until finally, several agonizingly long seconds later, his mother emerged from the crowd.

The boy broke loose from my hand and ran forward embracing his mother. She held him tightly, as if for the first time in a long time, as if the very wind would carried him off if she let go. The boy whispered something in her ear and she raised her head to look at me.

I couldn't hide my emotions, tears wet my eyes, and I raised my hands to my mouth to cover the painful cry forming at my throat. In her eyes she told me what I refused to believe. They both walked towards me and embraced me, and I lost it. I knew then this was it, and before she said the words I knew I had to go with them.

The final call was announced. The rainbow was closing. Without looking back I enter the rainbow. I enter The Place With No Name, the safe haven where no kitin has ever set foot. But the most challenging facet of the aftermath had begun for me - and its the memory of my childhood that I do remember, which I now commit to pen and paper so that I never forget.

In the days that followed I never felt safe; separated from my parents and anyone I know, sleeping next to strangers, being moved around from one location to the next against my will. But what does a seven-year-old child know about safety. All I knew for sure was that I was alone in the world.

Each morning I’d rise expecting to wake-up next to my parents only to be disappointed. I’d wait and wait in vain for them to come and find me, and when the night hours became to heavy to stay awake I’d cry myself to sleep missing them terribly. Only to relive the same fate the next day after.

I supposed the memory of my parents begun to fade when I was shown kindness by Pyto and his mother. And it took the time of almost nine months for me to completely forget. Time moved on and I along with it. But I had no real concept of time - I only knew life became easier. I joined other children to play, I had adults who looked after me, and I was, I supposed, happy.

We have the capacity to build strong bonds with the people closest to us that gives one boundless hope, bonds that provide safety, unparalleled love, and even loyalty. Yes, loyalty, I believe loyalty is the bond that comes first, the loyalty of a husband to his wife, the loyalty of a parent to their children, the loyalty of friendships that can never be broken even if years apart. I learned the meaning of loyalty during my years of refuge. I learned it so well I can tell who of my friends will expect it of me and who will abuse it when I give it…

Ever since I remembered it was Elias Tryton who opened the Rainbow, I can’t get him out of my head. Who is this homin? What knowledge does he have about the Powers, and the origins of hominity? Why is he an outcast? Why is the man who has saved hominity twice from Kitin attacks hiding in the shadows?

Almost obsessively I’ve begun to search the public records for any and all information on Elias Tryton and what I’ve discovered has truly shocked me. Though I still need to verify what I’ve found, he has appeared throughout our history consistently:

Elias first appeared to a select few as an apparition during the First Great Swarming (2481) - he gave them direction and helped them take refuge in the Prime Roots away from the kitin onslaughts. The elders believed he was a messenger of mercy sent by Jena. Though the scriptures of those times have been lost - it was the sages, the elders, who founded the Guild of Elias with other homin races to keep his memory alive.

The Trykers believe that Elias is none other than the holy father, the husband of Jena. But this belief was concocted by the “select few” on the teachings that it takes two to create a homin life, and the Tryker utopian dreams elevated Elias to the status of divinity.

But the Karavan called them a sect that stood against the church of Jena - Karavan followers are prohibited from joining the Guild of Elias. The Karavan see Elias as a destabilizing factor, one who could turn many homins away from the church of Jena. The Karavan referred to Elias Tryton as a fallen prophet corrupted by the Dragon. They blame Elias for the First Great Swarming, going as far as stating, “He is the one behind the Great Swarming”.

The Trykers and the Matis nations are devoted followers of the Karavan, and following Karavan Law, have banished the Guild of Elias from their lands. During the reign of Jinovitch (2505), the persecution of members of the guild begun, and some were condemned for heresy against Jena and burnt alive. Since then the guild has remain in secrecy, working in the shadows.

In 2528 the Guild of Elias re-emerge: sightings of members of this mysterious group were seen in the cities. They were quickly hunted down by Karavan followers, who called them dangerous heretics. But surprisingly, Kami worshipers intervened. What followed were rumors of a secret meeting, where members of the guild and speaking on behalf of Elias, announced the coming of Jena. They claimed Jena would arrive on Atys with her legions to destroy Ma-Duk and the Kamis. The alarming news onset the start of the holy war between the Powers. (the Temple Wars 2530-2531)

The Karavan didn't deny the intentions of Jena, and revealed to the homins that the true nature of Ma-Duk was to consume the vital force of the homins to enable him to survive the Goo. The Kamis call for the defense of the planet against Jena and her supporters, stating Jena only brought death and servitude. The four sovereign nations prepared, and quickly ask the many formed guilds to declared their alliances, and to join under the banner of Kami or Karavan to support the coming war. But the guild of Elias asked homins to unite and stand as one against what was coming.

As I read on, the public records that recount these events, there was no documentation that confirmed Jena’s arrival on Atys. But the fact that the Karavan didn't deny Jena’s intentions reveals that the Guild of Elias was telling the truth. What troubled me, or rather, what I’m questioning, is how was Elias aware of this information? Could he have connections within the Karavan world, secret followers of Elias within the Karavan ranks that secretly passed on this knowledge? And if so, could there be a division of ideology among the Karavan Disciples - one side believing in the unity of all homin races without Kami or Karavan interference, opposing the other side that has rooted itself deep within homin culture. Or, perhaps the most simple explanation, that as a fallen prophet he has always been aware of Jena’s intentions waiting for the right time in history to reveal Jena’s plan.

These questions were what drove me to keep on searching for answers. Finally, buried in some small print, I found the words of Elias Tryton as read by Syndix. The exact date of this speech isn't clear, but I believe it was in the year 2531. The message was delivered at Loria’s Rise in Fairhaven. Though I can’t confirm if this is an accurate account of the message, nor can I confirm if the message was written by Elias himself. (I wonder, are there homins still alive today who might have attended?)

I read the speech in it’s entirety. I studied it. In the message he didn't strike me as someone seeking to be a martyr, perhaps this is clear and the reason why he only seems to come out of the shadows when we need him the most, to avoid this false idolization. I don’t believe he is a holy being nor the husband of Jena, this rumor was started by the elders who tried to elevate him into a divine being only because he came from the stars. And though he was an inspired teacher and former proclaimer of the will of Jena, for reasons yet unclear to hominkind has chosen to follow his own path. A path that directly affects us all, for he has change the fate of hominkind more than once. Perhaps out of some personal guilt, if there is truth that he is behind the events of the First Great Swarming.

In his message Elias revealed plenty about his intentions, he clearly opposes both the Kami and the Karavan, and speaks with strong beliefs in the unity and freedom of homins. Had he not reveal Jena’s intentions, we may have been living in a very different world today, the hidden agenda of the Powers may have come to fruition. What is the agenda? Well, the Powers themselves revealed them; the Karavan say Ma-Duk wants to claim homin’s essence so that he can survive the Goo, and the Kamis say Jena only brings death and wants to subjugate homins, so that they can take the planet’s resources and drain it of all its substance. Elias brings awareness so that hominkind can understand their position in the universe, that homins are the balance between these two opposing powers, and that the path to freedom can only be obtain when WE control our own destiny and the future of Atys.
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