Exodus Syndicate

Douglas Adams is my hero. But, no, SunCe, Redslayer and Pelian created the guild. THEN we merged with the Exodus Syndicate and the guild got renamed as I joined. Later, Nighblade joined us. Nightblade and I are the leaders of the current version of Exodus Syndicate. Hoping that Pelian will come back soon like he said.

PvP is no longer our main focus, although we might participate in it if our contribution is required, whenever we CAN.

We are not trying to conquer the world in order to dominate Atys... we just want to have fun and we're a fun bunch to hang out with.

We'll only try to get an outpost if we have a sufficient membership to make the hassle worth my time, as it requires much inventory management and time spent either cleaning the guildhall to make more space for space-hungry cats or running in and out of the guild hall to make drug deliveries.

And diplomacy is how I deal with politics so my guild doesn't get too much collateral damage from intra and inter factionnal shenanigans.


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles
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Last visit miércoles 22 enero 02:43:04 UTC

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