
Ingame stuff changed again (for the good), not patch notes?

But Subox -- it isn't a faction yet.  There is no official Ranger Faction.  It's coming, and it's been coming for the last year +.  It's not news.  Once the full rite has been set up and it's possible to actually become a Ranger, it will probably be announced.

The Pathfinding:Beginnings was just a Mission for Ranger aspirants.  These are just training paths, and we haven't been told that they are permanent, just that they'll be around for a while.  There is no safe zone around the entrance, and there is no accessing them from a distance as with normal tps (even the zinuakeen).  There is a substantial barrier (to some players) in terms of fame scores, and the fame requirements for becoming a Ranger are going to be stronger still.  As for the requirements, they have been plastered all over the Forums.

(In more general terms, I can't see the devs setting up a Faction with free tps for the long term -- it's not balanced.)

As for making 6k grinding mobs, you ought to be able to do that as long as you loot and sell.  It's certainly very easy if you're digging.

Bittty (not a dev).


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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