Perla the Aspiring Ranger - (A sort of IC-Blog/Personal Chronicle)

~Perla's Journal Entry: Quinteth, Medis 29, 2nd AC 2579~

Ambercubes! I’ve learned ambercubes were created to keep records of knowledge and that we had a great library that contained them, but these relics were lost during the first great swarming - and I supposed what little had been recorded after was also lost during the second great swarming. For this reason I’ve decided to keep a record of the knowledge I gain from my studies of skills, my training with the rangers, and research of the history of hominiti.

I am a homina consumed by wanderlust. This strong impulse to travel and explore the world led me to Silan. Since my first job for Chiang “The Strong” I understood the work of the Rangers of Atys - to investigate and survey Kitin activity and eliminate any Kitin threat. I was proud to have left Silan wearing the ranger uniform. But I was not fully aware of their mission until I met Orphie Dardius, the Ranger Commander.

Having finished my training in Silan a few weeks ago I designated Pyr as my first destination - In the city I found an announcement posted by the Ranger Commander, calling all aspiring rangers to meet in Almati Wood. Certain matters were to be discussed and the new ranger training exercises were scheduled to begin. I was curious enough about the new training to want to attend. But I had no knowledge of Almati Wood, and no idea how to access the Old Land.

Searching the public records I found information - Almati Wood is a region of the Old Lands that were overrun by Kitins during the Great Swarming. There is a dark and horrible history link to this region that dates as far back as the Temple War Era. Almati Wood was the third region opened during the constructions of the Karavan Temples and Kami Sanctuaries - one of the regions where Kami and Karavan followers fought for materials to build their centers of worship. I was not alive then, but it was a dark period in hominkind’s history when homin fought homin under the flags of their gods, tales of which I’ve heard off through the recounts of other homins, and read in my own studies of public historic records.

Years after the Temple Wars, the region remain opened and became the central access point to the Kitins’ Lair. It was the Karavan Research Division (KRD) that first took upon the exploration of the Kitins’ Lair, along with Royal Kitinologist, Nisti Tinanti, of the Royal College. Some time in 2557, before the Second Great Swarming, there was unusual activity in Kitins’ Lair. The KRD with the help of the Atys Rangers lead an expedition into the eerie tunnels, and collected samples of larvae and carcasses, eggs were counted, and Kitins were observed and even killed.

The study and exploration of the Kitins’ Lair is ongoing. The Rangers of Atys seem to be at the front of this task and have made it their life’s work to fight back the Kitins. In the records I found that the Rangers help save hominity with their battle plans, and convinced the Kamis, the Karavans, the Nations and the Trytonist to collaborate and work together during the Second Great Swarming. And it seems they are now starting to train homins wishing to join their organization with their skills and knowledge.

As it turns out the Higher Powers provide access to Almati Wood, and so after speaking to the Kami Teleporter in Imperial Dunes my tiny Tryker feet set foot on this old land for the first time. The first impression, or rather, my first observation of the area was the clear view of the sky - there are no tendrils over this sector like we see in other regions of Atys. Almati Wood is high above the tendrils.

Since my arrival to Silan I’ve been observing the sky, but no other place has giving me such a clear view of the sky to truly study the stars. I’ve wonder about what parts of this vast and sparkling sky my ancestors come from, and where in it is the home of the Karavan Disciples. I’ve heard many tales about the Karavan, the Kami, and the origins of hominkind. It is all very complex and confusing. In particular the myth of the Dragon, the creation of life on Atys and how we are all connected.

I took some time to study the sky, looked upon the stationary sun, the one source of light over our planet that only grows brighter during the day and dimmer at night time. I’ve heard tales about the sun, that it’s Jenas light, that it’s Karavan technology, and it seems there are as many opinions about it as there are many ways to skin a Yubo.

The history of the world interests me greatly, I plan to spend time studying the public records, searching for the answers to the many questions that boggled my mind. But for now my interest is on the work of the Rangers of Atys.

I’ve learned that the Rangers of Atys mission is to help homins live in peace without division and from the threat of Atys greatest foe, Kitins. They are an organization that works with all the nations and the Karavan and Kami religions. In a speech by Orphie Dradius she explained in detailed the expectations of those wanting to join the organization - “The rangers are a force to fight the kitins. If you are to become a ranger, you will have to eventually detach yourself from allegiances. We are a sword in the hands of hominity: it would be a shame for us if hominity did turn the sword on itself. If two friends fight, be the shield between them.” she said. After hearing those words I felt like I had found my calling, if I had any doubts about joining the organization it die then.

At the ranger meeting Orphie Dadius mentioned Wilk Potskin - a ranger that had been handling training, but was now deep in the old lands conducting some unclassified quest. Very little was said about Wilk and his studies, other than due to his absent Wuaoi Yai-Zhio will be managing training. The Zorai ranger talked about the magnetic fields and how rangers need to study these given points - we were taken to Zora to begin the training.

Unfortunately for me the Ranger Trainer refused to teach me, said I needed to work on my reputation, that all aspiring rangers need to become more familiar with the nations and not have negative fame standing. I understood, having just recently arrived from Silan I still had much to learn, and I am practically a stranger. I did make the acquaintance of other aspiring rangers and they help me trek to the other nations. For the last few days I’ve worked hard to familiarize myself with the four nations. I’ve worked for the Corporals of each nation and accepted tasks for the Karavan and the Kami. I even became a water carrier and florist and helped supply materials to New Horizon.

My determination paid off and once again I stood before the trainer and this time she could not refuse me. The work was simple, though it had it’s dangerous moments, I managed to complete the first training exercises. I am now awaiting to meet with the next trainer to begin the second face of the training exercises. And I am looking forward to it.
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