
[Matis] Chambers of the Nobles of the Kingdom in Yrkanis

OOC: honestly our RP styles are clashing and it's time they take different paths, alternate stories on how atys went after the great swarm, this path of kiddie rethorics i void of any action and full of storytelling...in my oppinion the fyros-matis debacle should take place, and those opposing are invited to come along and enjoy it.

One of the many reasons i pulled out of zora circles and moved for the free trade hub in min.cho was so i wouldnt have to deal with the mimics of politics that take place every month. and in the case of Virg i feel he has a good idea that's just not being respected as part of the RP

Sicerely yours


ps: as i've said before in IC you can have your titles back if you care so much about them
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Last visit lunes 17 febrero 20:33:34 UTC

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