Black screen (but not dead window) after creating character

Hi everyone :) I've just met Ryzom these days and it attracted me with it's graphics in the screenshots, so I decided to give it a try. Downloaded it, extracted (I'm on Debian), ran the update, then start.

It worked well (with tons of lag, because my computer is relatively old). I log in my account, went to the character creation screen, created my character, and chose the world (there's only one option - Atys (World Community)), then key bindings (I chose WASD), and character name.

But after character name the window dimmed black. Then no more response from it...(the point is my cursor is still working fine in the Ryzom window, and Ryzom is still working with high CPU usage).

So what actually happened? Can anyone tell me and help me to solve this?
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Last visit domingo 16 junio 00:32:59 UTC

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