Ryzom favorites club

I want to make some remarks about my access to the site before the event.

1. I did not know anything about the nexus between the site and the event The Night of the Stars prior to doing the mission and synchronizing. I have never been appointed for testing the site and did not expect anything from.

2. One week ago, Monday, March 17, a posting appeared in the three General forums, as a teaser to the site and a project related to. I read that, and looked a bit around in the internet, finding out that this DNS name existed, and pointed to an address in the name space of OVH SAS in Roubaix, France, the provider of servers. As I was busy with Ranger meeting, combat training, and RL, I did not try to access the site prior to Tuesday, March 18.

When accessing the site, I tried to log on as Daomei with my Ryzom password (a not too extravagant idea on a "LV-20 Ryzom Network"), and succeeded. I looked a bit around, finding out that uni chat was displayed in the chat area (iirc there was no possibility at that time to enter text, or I did not see it). Further on, language could be switched in the profile area, and there were locked documents. That was all, and I was busy, so I left, not accessing the site again before the event. That afternoon, a few players who had visited the site as well, chatted calmly a bit about, thinking about as a future web chat interface. I expressed bit roleplay oriented concern about the Megacorp thing (which might be suited to shake to the ground our worldviews and convictions as homins of Atys). After that, I forgot about and went back to my training.

When having passed the event mission and receiving the message to have been synchronized to, I of course understood the connex between the site and the event. I did not access it that evening, but went to bed and looked at it the next morning.

Only then I recognized the possibility of donating C60. I saw a relatively high amount of it on my account, and tried to find out the ratio between donations and percentage of deciphering, then. I realized only then that I had put myself ahead of at that time Joabu, Klayton, and Jarnys who led the donators' list. At that time I did not think a lot about, but during the morning, some players asked me by /tell how I had reached such an amount of C60. In the meantime, Diwu had accessed the site as well and I got aware that her C60 production only started then at a rate of 1 unit per 10 seconds. So I figured that mine must have started at my first access of the site. I explained that to the players who asked me, and they were so far content.

Much different later on Uni, where some players, especially Binarabi and Rollocks, started a real storm of hate, envy, and accusations. Again, I explained how this had happened, but my explanation was turned down as lies and excuses, and some of the haters blamed me to have hacked the site, to have cheated intentionally and so on. After a time I got tired of the enviers and haters and went back to my training. Anyway they went on accusing me on Uni the whole day.

I am appalled and disappointed about such signs of envy and immaturity. It seems that some players are cooking conspiracy theories and are grabbing for every opportunity to develop them further. Beneath that I feel personally offended by, I think that such is in no way a healthy attitude.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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