Ryzom favorites club

So what RP reason was it based upon that some people should get the opportunity and others shouldn't? Is it because all "rangers" got the opportunity? Oh wait no, only a few did. Are they are higher rank within the rangers? Oh ops- there aren't any rangers yet. Is it because they are favored?

If this event team member is creating all these things himself, there is no one else's input or time going into it and there is a solid reason for only involving a single person, then I guess that's his prerogative. However does this mean I can become an event team member and create things just for one of my friends in this game under the pretense of roleplay? Is it right to single out one person and give them opportunities no one else can ever get?

If there is dev input and time going into this then I do have a massive issue. The great thing about this game is you can do anything. If you can't do something as a kara, you can change to a marauder for example and do it then. Yes the choice of your faction should alter what you can and can't do however these "events" were not open to all the "rangers" they were just open to one "ranger" (on one occasion) and several "rangers" (on another occasion).

(I am assuming that this event team member is a volunteer and if not then I have an even bigger issue with this favorites club).



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Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 12:47:09 UTC

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