Agrro Tribes

I agree to Kalean that it would be a mess, and not only during OP battles. Imagine a team leveling. In FF scorchers would attack everybody except Trykers, in GoC Dryads everybody except Zorai. Even if you were of one of the favored peoples, your choice were either to stop healing/supporting your teammates or ruin your fame with the tribe. Not much better for diggers. And the possibilities of exploits were innumerous. Especially the lvl250 tribes pursue for quite a distance, great danger/opportunity (depending upon unintentional or malicious) to drag agro onto anybody.

Beneath that, the tribe voyagers are implemented in a way, recently, that they are freely roaming everywhere, a Masters of Goo party happily camping in or beneath the Gibads' camp, Scorchers at the Watchers, Dryads at the Sap Slaves. There had to be constant battling among them, at least when a homin is close and attacked. Following logic, the roaming tribespeople had to attack adverse tribes no less than adverse homins, no matter whether near a tribes camp or in the open.

Would cost tons of server load, reduce fun (especially for smaller players totally defenseless against attacks of 10 or 20 high level tribespeople) and cost lots of time to implement, test, and debug (would open a can of worms for bugs).

Nice idea at the first glance, yet I would prefer new regions. Would possibly be less work.


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