Ryzom points system

Virg (atys)
From an in-context point of view why does Mabreka have that mace? The answer because he is famous within his nation and been rewarded for his deeds and actions. A player may be equally as famous as mabreka (100 is 100 no matter who has it), and there is a system set up to reward players who carry out deeds for the nation (civ points). Why shouldn't someone be able to get mabrekas mace then? I'm not saying make it cheap but at least make it available.

No. Mabreka doesn't have his mace because he is famous. He have his mace because he is the Theocracy's leader. His mace means "I am the Leader fo the Theocracy", it doesn't mean "i'm really really famous in the theocracy, look at the funny toy they gave me"


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Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 14:47:07 UTC

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