Marauder armour for Marauders

You say that Melkiar is not the leader of the marauders yet he is - he is the War Lord of the marauders. For the rules of the marauder one must follow what MELKIAR says and THEN his cheiftain - making your arguement about Melkiar having no pull in guilds invalid.

Also - I had stated that the stats would not be as good of either that of Aen Pei Sergio or Lixie, it could be simple as a regular set of HA MA or LA. AND last i checked you are not a marauder still - you are in a KAMI guild, so why do you keep using the term "we"?

And for another point - if one is willing to do the alignment, get all the fames to -100, just to buy the incredibly expensive armour - thats a massive waste of time for something that - like i said - should be just normal. Plus to come back from the very bottom just for some normal armour would be a waste of one's time and dappers.


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Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 15:42:56 UTC

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