Overseer requests

Fully agree with a slight twist: The lowest level missions (<=q30, and to some extent also the q50s) should be a bit more relaxed: These are for homins who've just left Silan and found their way to the mainland. They will likely only be able to craft one or two types of armor. So let there be some missions for parts of an armor set (boots and trousers, or gloves and sleeves) or just a pistol with the ammunition (or vice versa). The higher levels >=50 then could have the full sets (rifle plus ammunition, etc).

As in "real life" these level boundaries should not be black/white hard limits: Distribution of mission goals could gradually change: Below q50 90% could be one or two item missions, with a few missions asking for more. Above q150 it could be 90% complete sets.

I especially like the idea of having a few more "real life" missions such as asking for special slashing protection armor. It's not going to replace sandbox missions but it will lead to more reasonable items being sold at the merchants. Makes the whole crafting leveling more appealing, too.

This is a lot of work because the mission writers have to go into all overseer settlements and tribes and wandering journeymans.
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Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 13:14:35 UTC

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