PvP jewels with 80 - 90% spell resistance.

Tizona I PvP with drezar all the time and I can tell you right now he does use his amps from time to time. Don't make statements based on shoddy guesswork that you cannot back up. Drezar is not bragging. He is simply saying you can use ele or melee and they both work- he is backing this up by saying he has used both before in combat and they both work. Backing up what you are saying by adding evidence is a good way to get your point across- perhaps you should try it sometime.

Daomei I am far from immobile- I like change. But change where you completely eliminate tanks from OP wars I don't see as good change. I am a dagger fighter myself and yes what you are talking about would work in close 2v2 matches. However in large scale fights such as OP wars there are too many opposing mages to keep them all stunned (if i actually survive getting to them) which would mean I would still be dead in 3 seconds. I am also not saying that rezzes aren't fast but as tanks have over 6k hp. This means once dead the hp penalty to rez them is 3k. Therefore I would be dying really quick and fast- and needing 9k heal to rez and fully heal me- I consider this a liability to any team.

Yes a launcher has more range but all it would take is for someone to run out the mage pod- cast a few spells and enchants and the launcher would be dead.



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