
Title says it all.

Currently, the NPCs giving missions act as a veritable bank, handing out money to whoever is ready to work for them, regardless of how actually useful is the work. Overseers would accept items 24/7 if crafters were to give them stuff, regardless of an actual supply/demand chain.

If the dapper is meant to be worthless in design, as a means to enable everyone's freedom (as I heard it explained at least once) - then feel free to ignore the topic. However, if the dapper is indeed meant to hold value (a scenario I definitely find more interesting), then a regular money sink must be introduced. Teleports and tools, while achieving this partially, might not be enough; they are indeed expensive for a beginner, but for any experienced crafter/digger they are cheap. One-time sinks (like apartments) are not enough either.

Keeping in mind that players aligning themselves to a nation get access to much better money rewards from New Horizons and a much higher amount of faction points, a counterbalance would be needed. Compulsory dapper payments each Jena Year would be interesting to see, and if the player defaults, a slow decay of their fame could follow, even down into a negative if needed. Implementation needs to take care of players going off for extended periods of time, of course ...

I'm still debating internally if owning property in a city (as a neutral) counts as a taxable thing, probably yes. Similarly, guilds owning guild halls (even if neutral). Not going to suggest amounts, they are for the dev team to set up according to their internal calculations regarding balancing. However, if possible, I would suggest adapting said taxes to the context; number of players living in that city, number of people doing overseer missions, etc. Living in a sparsely populated city should definitely get you lower taxes.

Suggestions / rebuttals welcome.


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